Free spirit

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Zuko walked through the woods near a large building of the fire nation as he hid in the shadows avoiding guards even seeing him from above. He had black clothes with double duel blades on his back with the mask of the blue spirit.

Zuko ran to the wall pressing his back to the cold stone and looked up at a window he knew was the right one. The window cell that held his uncle behind bars.

Iroh sat against the wall as he was tired and dirty with his grey hair tangled down his shoulders and food was at the bars of the cell across from him. He couldn't taste anything, sleep at all, couldn't even feel anything.

Everything seemed like an illusion since his nephew was murdered in front of him. Everyone thought iroh killed Zuko, everyone believed azulas lies... They all do... And iroh was stuck in a cold dirty cell as a traitor and a murderer.

Lies are the one thing iroh hated, being lied too, lying to people, lying for people, it was a dirty feeling that sometimes can never be redeemed. It was the biggest down fall for running from the fire nation as a traitor, lying about who he was, where he was from, what has happened to him. But he'd lie a thousand times if it meant his beloved nephew back.

"Uncle?" A familiar voice whispered above and iroh's eyes widen as he looked up seeing no other. The blue spirit.

"Zuko?" He breathed in relief when the mask was taken off and he saw the face of his nephew, well and alive.

"Your alive?" He breathed with tears in his eyes as he grabbed the bars of the window while Zuko held onto them as well with his feet placed on the wall for a little stability.

"It's a long story uncle," Zuko sighed with a small smile on his face as iroh reached out to him.

"I-I brought you some tea, I know it's never going to be good as yours but I guess it's better than no tea," Zuko handed his uncle a bag and iroh opened it seeing a leaf cup and a small broken tea pot full of already made tea.

"Zuko, I would never drink tea again if it means I'll never see you again my nephew, what happened to you?" Iroh sat on the ground looking at Zuko as he rested on the window.

"I always love a good story," he smiled softly as Zuko looked down at him.

"The blue spirit, he gave me life again uncle, to honor his name," Zuko explained.

"But it's a second chance, I'm going to make things right, I'll honor him," he nodded as iroh opened a small fire in his palm to heat up the tea with a proud smile on his face.

"I knew you where destine for great things, I know you will, you've created your own destiny, now you must follow it," iroh smiled sipping his tea and appreciated the taste no matter how blan it was.

"I can get you out of here uncle, no one will chase us if I'm dead," Zuko said quietly with hope and iroh shook his head.

"It is not my time, you have work to do prince zuko, a name to spread of the blue spirit, and I know you can do it on your own, I know you can," he set his cup down staring at Zuko with a calm expression.

"I can't uncle, I can't do this without you, I'm..." He trailed off with shame on his face.

"Im scared uncle, I don't know what to do,"

Iroh touched his hand softly making Zuko look up at him with doubtful eyes.

"You can prince Zuko, you will, this is your path, and your doing it on your own without my wisdom because you can do it, you'll find your way my nephew," Iroh smiled smugly and Zuko sighed, there was no hope of getting his uncle out.

"I will come back for you uncle, I promise, when the time is right," Zuko nodded as he gripped his uncles hand.

"I love you my boy, you'll success greatly," Iroh said confidently as they released each others grip.

"I'll see you again uncle," Zuko gulped and soon he was gone from iroh's sight.

Zuko landed of the dark grass as he looked up at the stars above and let out an it rated sigh. What was he suppose to do? Just walk around until he feels like he's needed in that town?

He hummed thinking about the thought, the blue spirit could do more than he's known for, freeing the inslaved. Zuko looked at the mask in his hand and nodded.

Walking randomly to village to village it is.

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