No words

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Iroh played the horn in his tea shop as the Gaang hanged around in the quiet city of ba sing se, they saw children playing where there was a great battle was. People collecting groceries for their families, it was almost like they didn't notice what happened as they carried out their lives normally.

Zuko set a cup of tea in front of his uncle as the old man stopped playing his instrument and looked up. The boy smiled at him as he went to serve tea to the others.

Zuko set a cup next to Toph as she sat in a chair with her feet up, enjoying irohs music. He knelt down to Aang to set one next to the air bender while he played with momo on the ground.

Katara looked up as she and Suki played pai sho together, Zuko set a tea cup next to Suki and another to her. He leaned down to peck her lips gently as Katara smiled kissing him back as a thank you for the tea.

"Will you two stop that! Zuko stop moving too, I'm trying to capture the moment," Sokka whined as he was at his own table, painting with the black ink.

"I'm trying to capture the moment, I wanted to do a painting so we all remember the good times together," he told them as Katara got up from the table and went to see her brothers art.

"That's very thoughtful of you Sokka-" she stopped her kind voice looking down at it. "Why do I have momo's ears?"

"Those are your hair loopies!"

"At least you don't look like a boar-cupine," Zuko walked over now curious and everyone else did too.

"My hairs not that spiky," he made a face.

"I look like a woman!" Aangs jaw dropped.

"Why did you paint me fire bending?" Suki asked confused putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I thought it looked more exciting," Sokka shrugged a little as momo jumped up.

"Oh you think you can do better?" He looked at the lemur.

"Hey my belly's not that big anymore, I've really trimmed down," iroh looked over tophs shoulder.

"Well I think you all look perfect!" Toph beamed brightly as they all laughed.

Zuko and Katara glanced up at each other as everyone kept talking, he motioned to the side as the two of them snuck away from the others to the front of the tea shop. Aang smiled watching them go off hand in hand.

Katara giggled a little as he spun her around and pulled her close as they stood by the railing that had flower vines wrapped around it. She hugged in around the shoulders as they didn't need to say a word of what was on their mind.

They were happy.

The world had peace.

They loved each other more than words could express...

Zuko let go but kept his hands around her waist as she looked up at him, blush on her cheeks as they gazed at each other.

He brushed back hair from her face and held her cheek gently. Katara leaned up and kissed his scarred cheek gently as Zuko closed his eyes.

They both looked at the sky again, the pink and lavender clouds against the peachy orange sky where the sun was setting, fading into soft violet clouds above them. The soft summer breeze of the earth kingdom fluttering against their skin.

Zuko pulled Kataras chin up to look at her beautiful face, how he's never felt so blessed to be with her.

They leaned to another as they caught each other's lips softly, kissing slowly to enjoy the moment, Katara held his face gently as Zuko pulled her closer, his arms wrapped around her lower back.

They didn't need words to describe their love, they never did, their trust, their loyalty, their actions spoke louder and anyone could see that they were soul mates for each other.

No red string had to tell them otherwise.

The two stayed outside as appa spelt next to the door of the tea shop, everyone talking and minding their business inside, sipping the tea that was handed out as Sokka continued his artwork.

While the blue spirit and the painted lady masks hung on the tea shops wall.

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