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"So where are you even heading? Do you have a direction your heading too? Do you just go anywhere? Or do you have a specific village your going too?" Katara asked as she walked behind Zuko while his eye brow twitched in annoyance.

"No," he grunted out.

"No what? No you don't know where your going? Or no you don't have a specific direction?" Katara raised an eye brow.

"I don't know..." He mumbled scowling.

"Can't you tell me anything?" She groaned.

"I don't know! If it's so hard to follow my lead then why don't you head back to your friends?" Zuko snapped irritated. Katara didn't flinch or seemed hurt but rather annoyed at him with her arms crossed.

"When was the last time you actually slept?" Katara raised an eye brow.

"Wha- I don't know," he groaned and walked faster.

"Aye, knock it off, we're partners and-" "I never agreed to it," Zuko spun on his heels glaring at her.

"You didn't disagree," she hummed.

"Agh!" He threw up his hands and walked quickly away as Katara seemed surprise.

"Zuko," she grabbed his shoulder and turned him back to her. "You need sleep too,"

"Oh yea let me just make my bed right here and go to sleep," he said sarcastically.

"I mean, lets find a town, grab some real food and some shut eye, neither of us slept last night or the night before and yesterday we spent it cleaning the river, trust me on this," she told him softly as Zuko looked at her.

"How long have you been alone?" She looked at his golden tired eyes as he looked at her ocean blues.

"Since ba sing si,"

Katara softened at him and slid her hand higher to his scar and touched it gently making Zuko close his eyes. Her small smile hands where cool against his warm skin.

"I don't hate you," she whispered as Zuko didn't move. "And you don't have to be alone, I came with to help you with anything including yourself, yes I'm here to do things my friends would never agree to but your the only person that understands individual people still need to know they aren't alone either,"

"We're still partners," Zuko nodded.

"Maybe friends? You said I can trust you, but can you trust me?" He asked as Katara pulled her hand back.

"That night in Ba sing si, you had the choice from the beginning of that fight, and you turned against us," Katara told him sternly making him flinch a little.

"But you did the right thing for your family, and I would too, this is your last chance Zuko," she smiled a little at him.

"That's all I've been given and making the most out of," he smirked back making Katara giggle.

"Good, cause two chances is all you get," she nudged him as they started to walk again but Zuko cried out when she punched him hard in the arm and he stumbled away.

"What the fuck was that for?!" He yelled.

"That's for picking Azula over me," she smiled.

"Over you?" Zuko raised an eye brow.

"Over the good! She's pure evil," Katara blushed punching him in the arm again.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He screamed at her again.

"For being a jerk," she flipped some hair off her shoulder.

"You know i won't punch you back," Zuko mumbled walking behind the waterbender.

"Hasn't stopped you from kidnapping me," she teased.

"You tied me up on the bison," he stated remembering the North Pole.

"You tied me to a tree," she shot back.

"For the same pirates that blew up my ship," he huffed.

"For the same pirates that used me as bait," she glared.

"Common enemy?" Zuko agreed on.

"No more hunting us with fucking pirates," Katara warned and he put his hands up in defense.

"Or that bounty hunter," she pointed at him.

"Or your crazy sister and friends!"

"Alright I get it! And I never sent Azula out for you, it was like a race," he shrugged walking forward.

"A race?!"

"Yea, see who can please dad more, I just got a three year start," he chuckled and Katara growled under her breath annoyed.

"But no more, I promise, and besides, no one will hunt me, I'm dead," he patted her shoulder and walked ahead.

"I still don't find that funny!" She called running after him.

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