Painted lady pt. 1

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Zuko sat in a cave near the shore of the river where he could see the village from where he could keep an eye on. He thought about what he said to the man, they couldn't wait for some miracle.

He promised the blue spirit he'd honor his name, he had to do something for these people. They are suffering because of his people, his army, time to do something right.

Zuko put on black clothes and slid the blue spirits mask over his face and his swords on his back. He jumped over a rock and froze hearing someone in the distance. He looked to the side and saw a woman in a red robe and a large hat coming his way.

She gasped to a stop when a sword was at her throat.

"Who are you?" She saw shadowed eyes staring at her behind a mask.

"Someone who's doing something for this town, try to stop me and I will not hold back," she snarled back at him and the sword was lowered.

"I won't stop you, cause that's something we might have in common," the blue spirit nodded and he saw a smirk crawl on the girls lips as that was all he could see.


"What's the matter katara?" Aang jumped off a rock to the waterbender.

"I think Appa is sick," she stated and her brother sprung up immediately with wide eyes while Toph walked over.

"What?! Appa is sick?' That's awful!" He sprinted over.

"Wow sokka, I didn't realize you cared so much," Toph said sarcastically as she tiredly rubbed her eyes.

"Of course I care! I might as well throw our schedule away now!" He cried out frantically looking at the scroll schedule.

No one was amused by him.

"And I'm concerned cause my big furry friend doesn't feel well," he hugged appa and stroked his soft fur.

"He must've gotten sick from being in the polluted water," Toph crossed her arms.

"He doesn't look sick... You okay buddy?" Aang patted his bisons nose. Appa groaned and they saw his tongue stained in purple.

"His tongue is purple! That can't be good," Aang brought his tongue out. "Katara can you heal him?"

"It looks like he needs some medicine," Katara shrugged but she struggled to keep her face straight. A friend showed her a trick as she wanted to stay longer, a secret friend if you may...

"Maybe we can find the right herbs in town,"


They walked down the village and saw everyone smiling and kids playing. Katara saw the boy from yesterday running and laughing to a man across the village as he had a large straw hat and knelt down for the boy to hug him. Must've been his brother or father.

"Is it just me or does this place seem different?" Toph asked cutting Katara out of her thoughts. She looked back as she could hear the two laughing she could see a mother sitting up sipping tea as she watched the two play.

"Yea are the people happier?" Aang asked as well looking around.

"Hey shoe what's going on with everyone today?" Sokka walked over to the shop confused.

"Ah something amazing happened last night, food was delivered to our village by a mysterious and wonderful person, the painted lady," shoe told them happily.

"The painted who now?" Katara asked confused.

"The painted lady, she's part of our towns lore, they say she's a river spirit who watches over our down in times of need, I always thought she was just a legend until now!"

"See we don't need to hell these people," sokka beamed at his sister who silently disagreed. "They already have someone to help them,"

"All we need is medicine for our sick friend," he crossed his arms looking at shoe.

"Medicine? Sorry all the medicine we have goes to the factory, that's why there's so many sick people in the village," shoe leaned on his hand with a sigh.

Katara looked back as she could see the family from before as the mother put her hand on the stronger looking boy who poured more tea for her.

"Thank you lee," she heard the woman said softly.

"It's not a problem ma'am," lee replied and Katara knew he wasn't her son or anything now, who was he then?

"Looks like we need to stay another night so Appa can rest," she shook her head.

"I guess your right," sokka groaned. "You got anymore food to sell?"

"Would you like the one headed fish or the two headed fish?" Shoe offered and they gagged backing away except sokka.

"Two headed!" He snatched the fish and everyone looked disgusted.

"What you get your more for your money that way," he shoved the fish toward them and they all gagged and ran off as far as they could from the fish.

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