One Way Away

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"NEXT WEEK!" I scream "YEAH!" they shout back. I'm going insane jumping everywhere. The suitcases. I'm thinking The suitcases. I wanted to have a normal rest of the day with twins. So we watched Netflix on the couch together. but the surprises kept on coming. We had ordered Pineapple pizza last night an to my surprise there were leftovers, so I took them to school.

Waiting for me outside was a rather dapper set of twins. "Where are you guys going?" I asked. "To school duh" Grayson replies. "Wait... to my school?" "Yes to your school!" Ethan responds. We had a jamming sesh in the car listening to Tunesday (The twin's album). It was hilarious. We arrive at the school with 15 minutes to spare. As we walk in I see everyone staring at me. I don't know if it was good or bad. We walked to the office where we were greeted by my headmaster again. "Hello boys and Melissa!" he says enthusiastically. "Good morning sir," we reply. The headmaster shows us to the uniform closet where the twins are given ties and blazers.

"You guys are looking even more dapper than before," I say "Why thank you," they respond. "Come on guys we need to get to class," I say as we begin walking to my first lesson. "Welcome to catering boys!" my teacher says. Today was fun because we were making American Pancakes. As we get to work it is clear to see that Grayson is in his element. "He always cooks my Pancakes for me," Ethan says. "3" "2" "1!" we say as Grayson then flips the pancake and it lands back in the pan.

Everyone goes crazy. It was a double lesson but went extremely quickly. The rest of the day was quite normal. People did crowd around the twins but then they said something that I keep replaying in my head.

"Guys we are not doing pictures," Grayson says. "We are here for one person and one reason only" Ethan continues as they walk from the crowd. They let them past, that never normally happens. As we walk home we start talking and it turns into something very interesting.

To be continued...

American Dream The Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now