New Jersey!

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Last day of the USA Leg of the Tour

Ethan's POV

7:00 AM

Grayson and I are wild right now. Dancing everywhere. Jumping around.Either Melissa and Alex are ignoring us or they are actually still asleep.

"CLUB GOING UP, ON A TUESDAY!" We shout. New Jersey is our hometown. We have A WHOLE WEEK HERE! I cannot wait to go home and see Mom, Dad, and even Cameron.

( Skip to 7:09)

I feel a pillow thrown in my face. I catch it. I remove it. Nobody threw it. I check on Melissa. I hear a slight giggle. "BOO!" I shout. "Jesus, Ethan you scared me," she says. "You threw a pillow," I reply. She gives me the "really" look.  I pull her out of bed. "Come here," I say. I pull her in for a hug. "Bet you can't wait to go home next week for a bit," I say. "You betcha," she replies. "Everyone needs a little taste of home," I reply. We hear a knock at the door. I go to open it. I go back to Melissa. "Pizza?" she says. "Yeah, duh!" I reply.

Grayson's POV

I grab a bottle and fill it with water. I squeeze it all over Alex. He wakes up coughing. "Dolan!" he shouts. We all laugh. I give him a towel and he dries his face.I grab him some pizza before Ethan eats it all. Obviously, it's Pineapple. We all sipped on our iced coffee as we basically live off it. We have rehearsals today for 3 hours as the venue is a little awkward. We all get dressed and headed off. We have extra time so we do a full run through. Cake and all.

11 AM

Rehearsals are finished so we are planning what we are gonna do this next week. Alex has got a full day in Jersey before he goes to the UK for some stuff before us. Melissa and Alex are filming a cover tomorrow.

Melissa's POV

We all sit on the couch and put the laptop on the Coffee table. "So after you have your day with Alex, our first day you are gonna see our New Jersey home," Grayson tells me. "Melissa you were saying how you wanted to be free so we are gonna film an epic video of Life Back Home part two!" Ethan says. The Life back Home video is amazing. I can't wait to feel free. I really really appreciate all they have done for me.

5 PM

"To the last USA SHOW!" We shout. We cheer our iced coffee. I cannot believe this is the last USA show. We are gonna have so many new adventures.

5:30 PM

Alex and I do our performance. I see a sign out of the corner of my eye. It looks like an Infinity sign with a cross through it. It reminds me of Tom. He had one tattooed on his wrist. My face has met his hands so many times I could never forget it. I shake it off it is probably nothing.

7 PM

The show ends and we eat our sandwiches before the meet & greet. We get about an hour through and a girl approaches. She looks familiar. Like she is from my old school. She has that sign on her top. I see her holding Grayson's hand. She has the sign on her wrist. I shake it off. I give her a hug. "Watch out," she whispers. Creepy much. We wrap up the meet and greet and headed to the bus. I'm a little shaken by what happened but I'm not letting anything ruin my week long weekend.

We were on the bus for about three hours. We arrive at the twins family house. We knock on the door. The door swings wide open. "Melissa, boys welcome home come in, come in," Sean says. We leave our bags in the luggage cupboard. "Where are our babies," Lisa says walking in the front room. She stops. She has a massive smile on her face. The twins run to her and hug her. "We've missed you, mom," they say. The brotherly love is awesome.

Ethan's POV

My mom does this thing where she holds out hands tight. She looks at mine. I know Melissa and Alex are stood awkwardly behind us. "Who is the lucky girl or boy?" my Mom says. "Firstly girl, secondly behind me," I look over at Melissa. She comes over. I take her hand and we show her. "Ethan, she is a keeper," she says. I feel my face turn into a tomato. She gives Melissa a hug. Alex comes up and gets a hug as well. We are all super tired from traveling so we all head upstairs to sleep. I show Alex to the guest room. Just like old times Gray and I are gonna share our shared room. I saw Gray already asleep upstairs, shoes still on and all. I kick my shoes off and Melissa and I go to sleep. We are gonna need the energy.

To Be Continued...

Hope yall enjoyed this.

Also, Thank You for 1000 reads!

I am forever grateful.

Thank you to everyone that has supported me so far.

Also opinions on the twins new tattoos?


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