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*3 months later*

Melissa's POV

A lot has happened over these past three months. Grayson and I deiced to call it a day. I wanted to give Ethan another chance. We haven't been to any parties. Jordan and Marcus are both in Jail. I haven't been to see him, I don't plan on going to see him either. Ethan and I are really strong. Today is a sad day though. It is our last show of the tour. Austrailia. We have one whole day here after the show before we leave. Back to LA. For the summer. Maybe even Coachella.

Here I am now though. Sat on the couch, in my jacket, waiting for the last show to start. "Are you okay?" Ethan says. I look up at him. I feel a tear drip down my face. He nearly cries but holds it in, as does Grayson. They come over and give me a big hug. "I'm going to miss the tour so so much, I don't ever want it to end," I tell them. "Neither do we, now we have the future to look forward to," Grayson says. I nod. I know all good things must come to an end. I really don't want it too. I'm going to miss this.

The twins do their first part. The energy is different. It is time for Alex and I to do our section. Everything goes how it should. I finish my song. I couldn't help but cry. The audiences we all cheering and it was so sweet. Ethan comes on stage and gives me a huge hug. I collect myself and head off stage so the twins can continue.

Since we started the show a lot has changed. My songs have changed throughout. I go on to do my final song before we all close the show, together. I perform the Chainsmokers new song called Everybody Hates Me.

(Play the song)

I finish my song and again the tears come out. I hug Alex. The twins hug each other. I can see they are also overwhelmed. We close the show. This is different though. Knowing it is the last show. We are given 10 minutes to collect ourselves. I do my techniques from therapy to help me calm down. Ethan gives me a lot of hugs. I put on my brave face and headed to the meet & greet.

*3 hours later*

We were now at the airport saying our goodbye's. We headed on the plane. 15 hours ahead of us.

Ethan's POV

We are a couple hours into our flight. Melissa fell asleep almost instantly. It has been extremely overwhelming for her so she needs her rest. "Hey Gray," I whisper. "Yeah E," he replies, looking at me. "I never realized how much I'm going to miss all of this," I say. "I will too bro, we have some new stuff we can work on though, and Coachella soon," he says. "I know, but I don't know if it will ever have the same feeling as this, yeah we have had our ups and downs but I'm going to miss this so much," I tell him. "E, you are overtired, sleep bro," he tells me. "Okay, I will," I say with a sigh.

My head racing with a million thoughts. All of which could consume me at any point.

Why does the future seem bright, yet uncertain at the same time?

To Be Continued...

American Dream The Dolan TwinsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt