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Melissa's POV

What the heck? Who is in my bed. I turn to face the body. I breathe a sigh of relief. It's only Ethan. I just stare at him. His hair, his eyes, his lips he is just amazing. I don't feel jet-lagged anymore. I feel a buzz within me. I kiss his lips gently. "What a nice way to wake up," he says. "What a nice person to wake up with," I reply. I check the time on my phone it's 7:00 AM, rehearsal starts at 9:00 AM. I roll out the side of the bed falling on the floor. "You good?" Ethan asks. I put my hand up doing a thumbs up. "Good!" he replies. I get up and go to the bathroom. I threw on some jeans, top and trainers.

 I threw on some jeans, top and trainers

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I sit on my bed scrolling through my social media when I hear the door knock

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I sit on my bed scrolling through my social media when I hear the door knock. I have to answer it because Ethan is in the shower. I open the door to Grayson. He holds up a bag and shakes it gently. I let him come in. He sits on the bed. "What brings you here so early?" I ask. "Well we need to eat healthily and is it bad I wanna see my best friend?" he asks. "Yes we do need to eat healthily and no it isn't bad you wanna see your best friend," I say. "Good!" he replies. He pulls out fruit bowls and green juices. I grab one and we tuck in. "Also what is that horrible noise?" Grayson asks. "That is your other half," I reply.

Grayson's POV

We both laugh. "We both know I'm the better half," I sate. She doesn't reply she quickly puts food in her mouth. I take a sip of my green juice. "Melissa," I say she looks up at me. Before I say anything I kiss her. I then pull away and hug her. "Whatever happens I want you to stay strong, I know you can," I say. I rub her back as we hug. "Enough PDA!" Ethan says mocking me. It makes Melissa jump. We all laugh. I Ethan got changed and we headed off.

*2 hours later*

Rehearsal went well. Melissa was on my mind the entire time though. I try to shake it off sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. Melissa has a therapy session later and Alex is in the studio so I'm gonna do something different.

Melissa's POV

I decided to write in my journal.

Feeling: Great, the tour started again and I am back in the UK-8

Get the words out:

Excited, happy, nervous, anxious, lucky, loved.

I write down a bunch of other stuff as well. During this Ethan has just had his headphones on and on his phone leaving me to it. He's perfect. I go over and tap his shoulder. He looks up. "Ready!" I say. We get the Laptop and call my therapist. "Hey Anna!" we say. "Hello!" she says. "Melissa when you are in London we are gonna have a real-life session," she says. "That's awesome, I can't wait!" I reply. "So, talk to me," Anna says. "Well the tour started again, I am happy because I'm back home I can't wait to travel the rest of the world and I have Ethan," I say.

We finish up the session an hour later. I check the time and it is 1 PM. I hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Ethan says. Before I knew it both the twins jumped on my bed! "AHH!" I shout. "WE HAVE PIZZA!" they both shout. I look up. They do! We all tuck into our Pineapple Pizza. It's from a healthy place Grayson tells us. It was a great lunch. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing before the show, which started at 4 PM.

We heard a knock at the door again. It was Kyle. We grabbed our stuff and headed down to the venue. We got there and saw so many fans. We got inside and got all set up. We all watch the video intro I give Ethan a good luck kiss before he goes on the stage. The show ran smoothly I really connected. The boys fought for a kiss of me by doing backflips. What show-offs! We did the meet and greet. Sometimes it was awkward because some people asked me about the kidnapping. I answered the questions fine. We went through a bunch of gifts and yall are so sweet. We take some stuff back with us. Grayson being Grayson took all the candy back to our room. My next video is gonna be amazing. YASS!

We hear a knock at the door. It is our manager with Alex and Kyle. We were told that the tour bus has arrived from overseas so it was time to leave. We check out and headed down to London. My hometown. We have another few shows before we can relax as a family. I can't wait.

To Be Continued...

I'm sorry this chapter was cut short.

I had already written it but half of it deleted and I couldn't remember what I wrote.

Also the day I have written this we lost our beautiful friend Skylee on Instagram known as skatboarddolan.

She took her own life.

We will never forget you and we love you.

Fly high angel!


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