Teruteru Hanamura x Reader- {The Sweet Delicacy}

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The day of romance was approaching. Where girls would give the one they liked chocolate. A lot of the boys seemed excited. But was that really any surprise?

You were quite excited about Valentine's day. You had made a request to the ultimate cook or the ultimate chef as he preferred to be called. To ask him to help you make chocolate with him. The pudgy chef had been more than happy to accept your request. You expected the reason he had been so eager to accept your request is that he wanted to be alone with you. No, it wasn't just that. You knew that Teruteru was a nice guy beyond being a pervert. You saw his good qualities. 

'Is everything prepared?' You messaged the chef waiting for his reply.

'But of course mademoiselle~. Everything is ready for the two of us to have some fun~.'

You rolled your eyes at the message and it's another perverted meaning.

'Oh, yeah. We'll have plenty of fun. But what kind of fun are you imaging, pervert :)? Yeah, well. I'll be right there. See you soon.'


The chef looked down at his phone with a smile.

You indeed were precious to him. Unlike the others who avoided him for his perverted actions, you never looked at him with disgust. Instead, you teased him and thrived off of his every reaction and comment. He enjoyed showering you with compliments about your appearance and tons of innudendoes. Far more than with anyone else. Since you were the one who gave the most attention to him. Not to mention didn't just use him to cook something for you. Like all the other students did.

You dazzled him with your wit and strong will. Not to mention you had an incredible body...

As he was waiting for you in the kitchen of his apartment. He made sure to double check and make sure that the necessary ingredients and utensils were placed upon the countertop.

Even though he acted confident he was actually quite nervous. It wasn't like he actually had people who acted spend time alone with him. For obvious reasons. So the chef didn't actually know what to do. Yes, he acted like he was confident in such situations but in reality, this was a facade. Maybe he expected he would know what to do when he was alone with someone. It would be that since it was you that he would be alone with. The nervousness causing him to sweat a bit.

The ultimate cook combed his hair and checked his breath. There was no way he could mess this up.


Before coming you made sure to shower and change into [insert favorite outfit]. You wanted to be presentable for him.  Since you rather liked the short chef.

You knocked at the door and waited for him to come to open it. When he did you saw him smile and it seemed like he was looking you over. A blush tinting his cheeks. Making him look actually kind of cute.

"Oh my you look even more beautiful~" Teruteru complimented.

"You look cute as always, pervy chef." You told him with a grin.  It was true that you found him to be kind of cute and weren't afraid to admit that.

A blush appearing upon the chef's pudgy cheeks.

"Awww, are you blushing? Seriously, you are so cute." You teased as there was no way you could give up the chance to make him even more flustered. His blush seemed to darken after you pointed it out and called him cute again. You were the only one who could make him this flustered.

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