Teruteru Hanamura x Hinata Hajime {Jealous}

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When it came to going out on dates with Hajime. One would think that it would be unthinkable that Teruteru Hanamura was his boyfriend.

Today the two of them were going to a festival together. Which was sure to have various food stands. Which was the only thing of interest in the festival for the other then his boyfriend.

The couple was currently walked around well holding hands.

"Isn't this romantic? The two of us together on a date at a festival." Teruteru mentioned as he squeezed his hand.

"Yeah, I guess so." He answered looking down to the pudgy brunette. The festival was bustling and full of various stands.

Teruteru went over the stands and bought some the various food from the vendors. One may think that he would want nothing to do with festival food. But sometimes vendors were able to create certain cuisine that brought across interesting flavor combinations. That sparked his inspiration as a chef.

"Let's go check out the café. I would like to try all the special items and think of you all dressed up~" He mused thinking about Hajime dressed up.  Perhaps, a butler outfit would suit someone like Hajime better. The image of his boyfriend dressed like one made him blush in response and nose bleed slightly.

"The idea of you as my own private butler does sound very pleasing." The brunette mentioned with a slight grin.

"Really? You would be into that?" Hajime responded but by now he must already expect him to say something like that.

"Very." He responded bluntly.

The gamer walked over to the two. Teruteru did remember that Hajime did seem close to Chiaki.

"Hey, Hajime." The pink haired girl greeted the reserve course student.

"Hello there, Chiaki." He greeted with a light smile.

"So you decided to come to this festival too." The ultimate gamer commented as she hadn't really taken notice of the chef yet.

"I wanted to get a new game from one of the stands. But I have been unable to win it though."

"Do you want me to help? I am not the best at festival games. But I can try." Hajime responded as Teruteru was beginning to feel like a third wheel.

"Thank you, the stand is over there." She told him as she pointed to where the stand was.

The stand had various prizes set up on the shelves. From stuffed animals to the newest games. The games set up in a way that it would be near impossible to get them. But if the prizes were easily earned then the attraction would be ruined. Sometimes these things were fixed as well.

Hajime went over to the counter and paided for a few rounds. The brunette tried to focus on the prize in front of him. Of course, he wasn't able to get the prize at first. It took a bunch of tries. He managed to get a stuffed rabbit and finally after a while the game.

"There, I managed to get it for you." Hajime told her as he held out the game to Chiaki.

"Thank you so much Hajime." The gamer smiled to him.

"No problem." The reserve course student answered as he smiled in response.

The whole time the pudgy chef had been glaring at Chiaki. He could hardly help feeling jealous when the two of them seemed so close.

'Am I being left off the menu? Completely forgotten?'

He felt like the leftovers left at the back of the fridge.  Why did she have to look so happy around him? Didn't she understand that Hajime was dating him.

It made him so frustrated that he wasn't good enough. He wanted to yell and tell her to stay away from him. But was he good enough to be his partner? What was it about him that wasn't good enough? Did he really like Chiaki better then him? Maybe he used him to get the pink haired girl jealous or maybe he had been misunderstanding from the beginning.

'The two of them suited each other.'

That was the thought that came to mind as Teruteru looked at the two.

'He defiantly would be happier with her.'

The chef wondered what he was thinking. He was hardly good enough for Hajime. He tried to be refined and mature. 

" You two are enjoying yourselves. I hate to be the third wheel. So I think I should leave. " Teruteru mentioned as he combed his hair. A sad look in his eyes as he walked away.

The pudgy brunette got himself some Yakitori from a nearby vendor. He went over to a place with less people and sat down to eat the grilled chicken. Tears ran down his face as he took a bite.

"Teruteru, there you are." Hajime called out to see the ultimate chef.

"Why ain't ya with Chiaki? Din't ya prefer her more?" His voice trembled and some of his country accent was coming out. It was quite obvious that he was upset.

"I don't prefer her over you." He responded.

"Yes, ya do! Don't lie to me like I am nothin' but some uncultured hick!" Teruteru yelled out as he didn't believe him. He looked so happy with her and didn't pay attention to him.

"I don't feel that way towards her. I was helping her out because we are friends. Besides, when she mentioned a stand with prizes. Well, I thought I would win you something too."

"Win me somethin'?" He questioned being confused. Was he mistaken the whole time?

"I am not sure if you were into stuff like this. But I wanted to get you something to remember the occasion." Hajime took out the stuffed rabbit and held it out to him. The pudgy chef took the stuffed rabbit in his free hand.

"I know I wasn't paying much attention to you. But I didn't want to lose focus and end up failing to get you something." He explained everything and Teruteru listened.

"Since Chiaki is my friend I wanted to help her out too. But I didn't forget about you. I could never do that." Hajime grabbed his hand gently in his own.

"You didn't have to do all that."

"I know maybe I am an idiot. Perhaps, I should have approached this differently. That way you wouldn't have felt this way." He apologized as he glanced downwards.

"I know. You don't have to apologize. I should have trusted you." Teruteru mentioned as it was partly his fault too.

"I guess we both messed up. Alright, so are you ready to go?" He asked since the festival wasn't over yet.

Hajime bent down and kissed the pudgy brunette's cheek.

"Of course." The chef answered with a cheerful smile on his face.


This was requested by loopyarts . This one took a while to complete. With school and everything else. I just didn't have the energy or time to write anything. Hopefully, this is worth the wait.

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