Gonta x Shy! Reader {You are way too sweet}

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You wondered if you would see Gonta Gokuhara. It was obvious you had feelings for him. But ending up an embarrassing nervous mess in front of him was something you dreaded. So you tried sometimes to avoid the entomologist not because you hated him but because you didn't want him to hate you. Gonta was kind but you didn't want to make a fool of yourself in front of him.

You heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, {Y/N} ." You turned around with a nervous expression on your face.

"Oh, hey...Gonta..." You awkwardly told him rubbing your arm. You were shy not actually the stuttering one although you did ramble when you got nervous and did stutter saying stupid things.

"Gonta sorry." He apologized and actually looked sincere about his apology. But you didn't know why he was apologizing to you.

"What are you sorry about? You didn't do anything wrong I'm the one who always messes up-is really awkward. " You bluttered out and blushed afterward. You felt like such an idiot! Why did you have to tell him all of that!

"Gonta notice {y/n} avoid Gonta. So Gonta thinks Gonta do something wrong." The buff man explained making you feel guilty but you thought it would be better not to talk to him. Since that way, you wouldn't seem like an idiot. You deeply cared about what he thought of you. You weren't good at talking to others either.

"It's not because of you. I just...am bad at talking to people." You admitted being embarrassed to tell the entomologist this.

"Gonta not know that. Gonta happy that you don't hate Gonta." He responded with a smile that brought a light blush to your cheeks.

"Of course, I don't hate you..." You told him since there was no way you could hate such a sweet cute guy. But you knew that expecting anything from a crush on someone so incrediable was idiotic. You weren't confidant enough to confess your feelings.

"Gonta glad. Gonta hear that Gentleman has to know how to take care of lady. So will you help Gonta?"

How to take care of a lady? You were shy and weren't confidant that could help him properly.

"I don't know...I'm not sure I can help." You answered as you wanted to help but doubted that you could actually do it.

"Gonta understand. {Y/N} not have to help Gonta. Maybe {Y/N} want to have tea with Gonta. Gonta can talk about bugs." He offered. You wanted to go but...were you good enough to spend time with him?

"I would like to but-"

"Great, Gonta glad {y/n} will spend time with Gonta." He responded with cheerful smile.

To see Gonta was so happy you couldn't deny his offer now. So you knew you had no choice but to accept. You were happy to spend time with him but you were nervous you would do something stupid.

"That is great." You responded as you walked with Gonta over to the kitchen. The entomonologist didn't really know how make tea. With him having lived in the forest most of his life that made sense. So you made the tea. It being {insert favorite tea} and set the cups of tea on the table when you were done.

You then felt Gonta's hand get closer and pluck somethimg from your hair. The action made you blush in response.

"Gonta saw you had a flower petal in your hair." He explained as you were trying to calm yourself. So you drank some tea. But it didn't cool down completely so it burned your tongue a bit.

"Oh...thanks Gonta..." You thanked as a blush lingered on your cheeks.

The brunette drank some of the tea in front of him.

"Gonta thinks tea is really good. Gonta really glad to be able to spend time with you." He let you know which made you really happy.

A light smile came to your face as you thought it was sweet of him to say that he liked your tea and liked being around you.

"Are you really fine with me being around you? I'm not...really confidant I can be good enough to you. You know as a friend not as anything else." You responded regretting mentioning the last but. It was true you were interested in being a relationship with him. But that was impossinle you told yourself.

"{Y/N} you are more then good enough to spend time with Gonta. Gonta think you amazing. You really smart unlike Gonta. You really nice and good looking too." He complimented ,aking you blush more in response.

"You really think so?" You asked since you didn't believe any of that.

"Of course, Gonta mean it. You are amazing." He responded with a smile. It really warmed your heart to see him smile like that at you. Especially, it made you happy to hear him say all those nice things about you.

"Thank you...but I think you're the one who is amazing." You retorted.

"{Y/N}, you are sweet. Gonta know you really good person. No one who likes bugs is bad."

"I guess, that is true..." You responded as you didn't mind insects but certainly didn't love them to the degree that the entomologist loved them. But you were happy to listen to him talk about what he loved. Maybe because he gave off this warm atmosphere and made you feel happy. Gonta was really sweet and you hoped that the two of you could becone closer. Maybe you weren't ready to confess your feelings to him. But one day you hoped you would have the courage to confess to the brunette.

If you couldn't then maybe just talking to him like this well having some tea would be nice.


I didn't have much ideas with this one. This is short but sweet. At least that was what I was going for. Not a oneshot I enjoyed the end results of. But I wanted to write about about Gonta comforting a shy insecure reader.

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