Korekiyo Shinguji x oc {She is Beautiful}

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Humanity is beautiful. That simple phrase Korekiyo Shinguji fit humanity. He found every aspect of humanity even what others would find disgusting beautiful. Of course, he found her beautiful. Even the way she could be forceful or even extremely jealous. Those aspects of her were beautiful in a way. She would make a perfect friend for a sister. His goal had been to send one hundred friends to his dear sister. He even planned to sacrifice her and make her a friend for his sister.

"Kiyo! What is wrong? You seem to be thinking about something?" Crawfish tilted her head. A look of concern in his brown eyes. The anthropologist did like how sweet she was. Defiantly a wonderful trait.

"I was actually. I was going to ask you more about your field of study. Paleontology, I find to be of some interest. People come up with many stories and the culture surrounding dinosaurs is something I find a great deal of interest." The dark-haired man excused his actual reason. Even if Paleontology did interest him as he did wonder what he could learn from it to go along with his study of anthropology. But this was clearly an excuse.

One couldn't just tell someone they had planned to kill them for their deceased sister. So there was a good reason for him being secretive.

"I think you are hiding something. Just like I suspect you hiding something under that mask!" The brunette pointed at his face.

"Kehehehe...you think so? People hide a lot of things. But I think it is beautiful, don't you?" Korekiyo responded and hoped that she may leave the subject alone.

"No...anyway, I want to know even more." Crawfish pouted being disappointed that the anthropologist wasn't telling her anything. It was obvious by her expression that she knew he was hiding something and really wanted to know.

"It is really nothing that would be of interest to you. How about I make us some tea?" He asked but it was obvious that he may be trying to change the subject.

"You're changing the subject."

"I don't wish to talk about it. That is all." Korekiyo told her being straight forward with her.

"Are you in love with someone?" The phrase just sort of slipped out maybe she was jealous. That someone else must get his attention. That she could lose him like that. Maybe her suspicion that he may love someone else bothered her.

"Yes, I am." He answered as it did have something to do with this in some way.

Crawfish wrapped her arms around his waist again. Surprising him once again. Then again she typically gave him hugs. It being something she did and he had treated it as a greeting. But it felt much nicer for some reason.

"Does this have to do with what is on your mind?"

"Yes. But why are you hugging me?"

"It's so you don't get away well I am talking to you."

"Kehehehe...what a bizarre method," Kiyo responded as he found it a bit amusing that she decided to use such a method.

"I want us to continue to talk and stuff. So if your secret makes it difficult."

"You needn't be concerned. I will continue to spend time with you."

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