Kiyotaka Ishimaru x Oc {Do we have chemistry?}

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It was no surprise to Fumiko Kizuki would be studying with Kiyotaka Ishimaru. The two often studied together and he helped her with her weakest subjects. The times where she had an excuse to see the dark-haired boy were precious to her. Did the two of them have chemistry? She was too shy to act on anything. No, she had to do something. But what if he hated her afterward? These thoughts of what may happen were what were kept her from confessing.

When it was around time for another study session she met up at the gate at the appropriate time. The dark-haired boy was a stickler for being on time. Fumiko never wanted him to feel disappointed in her. Especially, considering her feelings for the ultimate moral compass. The chemist decided to be early since it was better to be early than to make Ishimaru wait for her.

As Fumiko waited she began to have a craving for some ramen. This wasn't the time since when she met up with Kiyotaka the two of them would have to study. So they could be no distractions. But she felt hungry and that could be because she didn't have much for lunch today.

"There you are. I am glad to see that you came early. We have a lot to go over..." He mentioned but trailed off when he heard a growling from Fumiko's stomach.

Her face turned bright red in embarrassment. She couldn't believe her bad luck to have her stomach growl in front of the guy she likes. He must think less of her.

"So you are hungry. Well, let's stop somewhere and eat. If either us were hungry it would distract from our studying. Not to mention we should have our energy." Ishimaru responded and she was glad that he didn't seem bothered that her stomach growled. Although, it was still embarrassing that happened in front of Kiyotaka.

"That is a good idea," Fumiko answered as she was really hungry.

"So what would you like to eat?" He asked the dark-haired girl as he let her pick where they would eat. Ishimaru did prefer to let her decide. Fumiko had been doing well in her tutoring sessions and she was a good student. Besides, he considered her a friend. Not that something else hadn't been bothering him. We're the two of them friends? If so why did he think of improper things like handholding and perhaps kissing? It must just be a case of it being something to do with spring. Ishimaru decided that he shouldn't worry too much about this.

"I would really like to have ramen." The chemist admitted. Ramen was her favorite food. So it was obvious that she would choose that ramen if given the choice.

"Then let's go have ramen," Kiyotaka told her although he wasn't that experienced with going to ramen shops.

"I know the perfect place. It's got the best ramen." Fumiko mentioned as she did recall a really good ramen place. She figured they should go to the best ramen place she knows of. It was only right to have the best ramen. Especially, since she was going to have ramen with the guy she liked.

It seemed like there was a bunch of people around where they were headed. It was probably to due to the area being particularly crowded during that time of day.

Ishimaru grabbed her hand. His cheeks turned red in response. Something like this may be too bold.

"I...Ishimaru, why are you...?" The chemist exclaimed being quite flustered about the ultimate moral compass holding her hand. His hand on hers was gentle and warm. It was unexpected but she was glad to have him hold her hand.

"This place is crowded. I don't wish to lose you in this crowd. " Ishimaru explained a light blush covering his cheeks.

"That is fine. I really don't mind." She replied the blush still lingering on her face. To be honest she hoped that he would keep holding her hand. Since his hand around her felt so warm and comforting.

When the two of them arrived at the ramen shop Ishimaru let of her hand. It didn't take long for them to take a seat at a stool. "So we don't waste time maybe we can study a bit here." The dark-haired boy suggested but Fumiko would prefer they didn't.

Maybe she would prefer to just pretend this was a date and not just studies. The chemist did enjoy studying since she got to see him. But she wanted to enjoy her time with him.

"You know what I find interesting. It's that cooking is a science in a way. I actually would prefer to observe this a bit and enjoy the ramen. Besides, we should take a short break to refresh our minds." She told him trying to convince him that they didn't need to study now. It could be done later.

"You are actually right. It would be better for us to relax and observe the work of the chef!" Ishimaru exclaimed as he certainly was convinced.

Fumiko and Ishimaru ordered their ramen. The food there was as good as she remembered it. Maybe it was even better with good company.

"We always tend to study in the same places. But it might give us different results if we did other things."

"I don't understand what you mean Fumiko."

"I mean...maybe we should go somewhere like an aquarium, museum, or something way out of the norm like an amusement park..." She suggested and it didn't sound like a date now that she thought about it. The thought of a date with him made her blush a bit.

"I should try new things. I feel like my knowledge of some things is lacking. So those sound like good ideas." He responded with a smile as he ate more of the ramen that was in front of him.

"There is another reason why I would want to go with you," Fumiko added as her cheeks reddened.

"Oh, why is that?"

"It's that you're someone important to me. So I would like to do something fun with you. That really simple reason but it's true."

Her response left him with a blush on his cheeks.

"I see...then all the more reason for us to go. Perhaps, after we finish our ramen." Ishimaru offered to earn a smile from the chemist.

"Sure, I would love that."


This is a bit short. But I wanted to write something short and sweet. This is for artist_chan_101
So Fumiko Kizuki is their oc.  I apologize for this being late.

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