The bear and the normal girl {Fairy Tale AU}

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{Based on the Japanese fairy tale of Urashima and the fisherman/Urashimako. Slight Shirokuma abuse (kicking, calling it a stupid bear) So very slight. That is in the a little bit beginning if that makes you uncomfortable please skip this. Gif from the anime movie Ponyo by Studio Ghibli}

One day, a certain girl saw a unusual bear being beaten up by a rather cruel kids.  There was five kids in total. The bear being white and little grey on one side.

"Stupid bear!" They chanted as they continued to kick at the rabbit before them.

"Oww, that hurts. Please, stop. " The bear cried out as the kids kept kicking at it

"Can't you kids stop already!?" Komaru asked the kids already as she was disgusted by their actions. Honestly, hoping that they would stop.

"Why should we? We are having fun. I don't really understand why we should stop." The red haired boy answered as it was obvious that they didn't consider their actions to be wrong at all.

"Because hurting anything or anyone is wrong." She told them although it didn't seem like her words were coming through. As they hadn't stopped at all.

"If you stop. I will give you all the candy you may like." Komaru tried as she was unsure if this would even work.

"All the candy we may want? Well, if you are offering that then we can stop. Besides, I have other plans of more things we could do." The green haired girl responded and the others listened to her. The other kids stopped hurting the bear.

The kids walked off after Komaru handed the kids all the candy she had.

"Follow me. I will take you back home and give you a reward there." Shirokuma told her softly. Komaru felt like she could trust the bear. So she decided to follow the bear.

"Ummm, where exactly is your home?" She asked being a bit curious. Maybe it was a forest since bears typically lived in forests, right?

"Oh, I live under the sea." The white bear told hear earning a shocked expression from the brunette.

"What?! Under the sea?! There is no way I can go down there I can't even hold my breath that long. Not to mention I hardly have the right equipment to dive or know how to..." Komaru clearly was freaked out.

"No need to worry. I have just the thing to help you." Shirokuma replied as he took out a potty trainer for children. It was a black and white duck.

"So if I sit on that it will help me go underwater?" Komaru questioned as it was hard to believe such a thing. Then again what was in front of her was a talking bear. So maybe she shouldn't be so quick to judge.

"Yes, just sit on it and pressed the button for go on it and the blue button on the other handle." The bear explained to the brunette. Since she figured that she should at least try she sat on the potty. She then looked around for the buttons that Shirokuma had referred to.

She pushed the blue one and then the other one. A blue bubble surrounded it. When she touched it the bubble was actually hard  enough it seems to not break. At least not easily. When she pushed the other button the potty actually went towards the water as it floated over and then downwards.

When Komaru went under she saw the wonders below. Various fishes and marine life swimming about. Their scales shimmering. It was incrediable. The bear actually dove in and was swimming next to her. She was weirded out that the bear could do that but decided not to let that bother her.

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