Ibuki Mioda x Male! Sick! Reader- Unforgettable Love Song

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You blew your nose into a tissue. Throwing it aside to join the many others tissues making a even bigger mess. You glanced out your window and coughed a bit. You felt like absolute crap. Today you planned to stay inside as you hardly wanted to get worse or make any of the others sick.

A knock was heard at the door. You groaned as you got up and walked over to the door. "Who is it?" You groaned as you just wanted to sleep. You really weren't in the mood for any visitors. When you opened the door you noticed that a bunch of your classmates were there. Were they concerned about you? You were grateful that they came all this way. But you hoped they wouldn't to get too out of hand. As you didn't have the energy to deal with that. You invited everyone into your home.

"This place is so messy. Suits a gross loser like you." Hiyoko told you as you tried your best to ignore her. Just the person you wanted to see when you were sick. "I brought an amazing stew that is perfect for a cold. Baroque que beef stew." Teruteru told you. Another person you didn't want to see. The stew wasn't drugged was it. Could you even trust it? You decided not to try any.

"Thanks..." You really didn't want any though.

"I brought a lot of oranges. That is what you eat when you sick right. Anyway get better soon!" Nekomaru carried ing the huge bags of oranges. Could you really eat all of those?

"Here is a game to keep you occupied." Chiaki handed over a game. Which was nice. So far Nekomatu's gift and Chiaki's gift were the nicest gifts you got. Not that you cared about receiving gifts. But it was nice of your classmates to care about you thus much.

"I brought a few dvds and books. Oh, this one I think you may really like this one. It is about Serial killers of the ages." Sonia's eyes beamed.

"Thanks." You thanked offering a fake smile. You didn't like reading about Serial killers. But you did appeariate the thought.

Souda gave you some cough drops, Akane was eating whatever she brought you and it seem Twogami was eating whatever he brought. Peko and Fuyuhiko didn't really bring anything. Gundham brought you an "exliar" it seemed to just be cough syrup though.

"Could you guys leave please? I am grateful. But I really don't feel that well. I don't want to get you guys sick." You told them. The group leaving all except Ibuki. Who actually had her guitar with her.

"Oh, hey there Ibuki. You brought your guitar." You wondered what she was up to.

"Ibuki is going to play you a little number! This song is going to make you feel all better." Ibuki grinned cheerfully. You only hoped it wouldn't be too loud.

'You're under the weather,
Feeling sick just like me
I am feeling like my heart is racing
I just want you to smile
I am in love with you

You must be feeling miserable
Like me if I don't see for a while
Everyday is a lot more fun with you
You are important to me

You're under the weather,
Feeling sick just like me
I am feeling like my heart is racing
I want you to smile
I am in love with you



It was a soft gentle love song. To actually be sung a love song by her made him blush in response.

"Yahoo! So what did you think? This song is especilly for you. Actually, I never wrote a love song before. But it was super super fun!" Ibuki told you cheerfully looking to you for an opinon.

"It as amazing. So you feel that way about me?" You asked as you blushed and awaited her answered.

"Yes, Ibuki loves you so much. More then music itself! More then climbing trees! More then Fireworks!" The ultimate musician being her normal eccentric self and talking about how she loves you. It really made you happy that the girl you loved felt the same way about you.

"I love you too, Ibuki." You confessed as Ibuki came closer to you and wrapped her arms around you. Leading to your cheeks becoming a harsher color of red. You loved the feel of her arms around you. You still felt like crap. But being with the musician like this made you feel less like crap. Which was rather nice.

"Yahoo! I'm so happy that you feel the same. Oh, right, we should kiss." Ibuki leaned closer to you. You pulled away.

"No, you'll get sick. I don't want to get sick too." You told her as you wanted to kiss her. But you couldn't do that with you being this sick. If you got the girl you loved sick you would feel extremely guilty about it.

"Alright, Ibuki won't kiss you. For now anyway. Then when you get better we can kiss then!" The ultimate musician smiled and seemed to have decided on that. You would look forward to getting better then.

"Sounds good to me." You answered. Ibuki let go of you.

"Already, since you are sick {Y/N}. I will take care of you!" The musician told you looking unethusic to do so.

"Thank you. Just be carefully. I don't want you getting sick." You advised since you were worried.

"Of course!" She cheerfully smiled.

Ibuki then proceeded to take care of you the entire time you were sick. After a while you eventually felt better. But you think part of the reason why was due to Ibuki being by your side.


This was requested by ShineUponTheWorld .  I never write for Ibuki before. She is my favorite female character. But I consider her the most difficult for me to write for. I tried my best to write my own song lyrics for the oneshot. Yeah, I never write song lyrics, I did some poetry but not that much.

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