Teruteru Hanamura x Male! Reader {You are incrediable}

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You have been dating Teruteru Hanamura for a while. So you have already gotten used to some of quirks. Mainly, his more perverted ones. Today you asked him on a date. You thought that the amusement park would be a fun place to go. Since could get the chance to go on the Ferris wheel with him and you expected him to want to try some of the amusement park dishes. Yes, you were aware that the short chef may not be into rides like roller coasters or the haunted house. You knew he was afraid of those types of things and you found it cute. You also knew that he liked to make note of any food in any sort of place due to the ambiance of the place. So that he could make note of every dish particularly special ones that can only be found in the amusement park. Which Teruteru did mention wanting to try the various dishes.

Teruteru grabbed your hand and smiled as the glanced over to you. A light blush came to your cheeks as you smiled back at the chef. Even simply holding hands like this with him was great. But of course, you knew Teruteru liked any sort of physical contact even simply holding hands.

When the you and Teruteru were going over to the food stands. There certainly were a bunch of them. You knew that Teruteru must be considering which to go to first. You had let go of his hand for a second. A guy approached Teruteru.

"Look at this shortie! Jeez, I never thought I would see someone this short." A guy mocked him. It really made you mad that someone was making fun of someone you loved. Not that you wouldn't hate it if this was done to anyone else.

"Y...yes, I am rather short. But that is alright." The chef responded unable to come up with a good comeback. He clearly was trying not to let the guy's words get to him. Especially, since you there and he hardly wanted to lose his cool in front of you.

"Alright? Seriously, being that short is embrassing. But then again your face is awful too so you have really bad luck. Whoever has to date you I feel bad for them." The rude man continued to throw insults at Teruteru. Usually, Teruteru wouldn't mind them but they brought you up in this conservation. Were you settling for him? Was he being an idiot? Teruteru wasn't sure what to think. Sometimes, he did wonder if he was good enough. Even if he hid these insecurities behind a friendly smile. Since he hardly wanted you to leave him for not being mature or cool enough. As he thought he was acting mature but wasn't sure.

"Hey, I am dating him." You spoke up. You weren't going to let him continue to bother Teruteru.

"Really are now? Why did you lose a bet?" He retorted.

"No, I didn't. I went out with him because I wanted to." You told the guy but he laughed as if you were joking. Which made you mad. But not as much as how he was treating Teruteru.

"Nice joke there. Seriously, though I can set you up with a chick or dude if you are that desperate." The man said as Teruteru glanced downwards. His usual confidance completely gone.

"No, thank you. Why don't you scram now?" You glared at him as you hoped he would leave. If he stayed any more you expected to hit him. Since him saying such awful things about Teruteru made you angry. But you were trying to stay composed as you hardly wanted to get the two of you kicked out or make this into something bigger.

"Fine." The guy left but Teruteru still seemed bothered by what he said.

"Are you bothered by what he said? You don't need to be." You told him hoping that you managed to comfort him.

"I just...I don't want you to be embrassed to be with me or just to be settling." The chef sighed glancing downwards.

"I am not settling. I certainly am not embrassed to be with you." You told him as you grabbed his hand, holding it gently.

"I know that I am hardly that attractive to people. I am a short, overweight, and from the country side. Not to mention my face. Certainly not something a lot of people like. Not that my personality certainly doesn't turn people off." He admitted and this lack of confidance was something he hid. You knew that he was insecure about some things but hid that from everyone around him. He only gave you glimpse of his real insecurities.

"Don't say that. You are attractive. I think you are cute and I don't mind you being from the country side. I like that you are friendly, upbeat, and kind. So don't think that I don't find you attractive or care about you, okay?" You told him as you pecked his cheek. Which earned a blush from the chef.

"I certainly feel lucky to have someone like you." He admitted with a light blush and smile.

"I feel lucky too." You responded.

"Well, let's go enjoy ourselves some more. We still have some time."

"Ah, yes, we certainly do have some time if you want we could also...do something quite fun later at your place." Teruteru commented with a nose bleed. You were expecting for a perverted comment at any moment. You were certainly glad to see that he was feeling better. By now you were used to his perverted comments.

"Jeez, what am I to do with you? Well, let's go before it gets dark." You told him holding his hand. To make up for what happened you intended on making this date enjoyable for the two of you. Teruteru deserved that much and since you were dating him you wanted to make him smile.


This is for loopyarts  . I apologize for this taking a while. I hope you like it.

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