Celestia Ludenburg x Tomboy! Reader

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When you were around her at first Celestia had no interest in speaking to you. It must have been because you didn't know what to talk to her about. What were you supposed to say to someone so classy and refined? She was the opposite of you in every way possible. Well, maybe you could talk about gambling but you didn't gamble much. As you thought about having nothing in common was becoming an issue. You thought she was beautiful and were attracted her but...what were you supposed to say. She didn't even want to talk to you. So you felt like a love-struck idiot!

"Why do I have to be such an idiot..." You cursed under your breath as you bit your lip in irritation.

"Why indeed?" You heard in response. It was the voice of the gambler that made you flinch in response. Great, you just made yourself look like an even bigger idiot in front of her.

"Celeste...ummmm...did ya really hear what I said?"

"I did."

"You really think...I'm an idiot?" You questioned since it did feel awful to be thought of an idiot by your crush. You were aware that the gambler had high standards and was really fancy. Maybe you were the type to like someone like that but really not want that life. You liked sports, video games, and climbing trees. Something you expected Celeste would never approve of.

"Yes." She answered bluntly.

"Jeez, you don't hafta be so blunt about it." You sighed feeling even more down.

"I figured you would want an honest answer." The dark-haired female sat down at a table and was drinking her royal milk tea.

"Still...really you didn't need to say that."

"But you would have thought it regardless of what I said." She took another sip of her tea.

The German name of hers and some facts about her did come across as suspicious. But you couldn't question her. Besides, you didn't want her to hate you. So even if she was lying to everyone you wouldn't try to pry.

Your {e/c} eyes couldn't help but be drawn to her. In fact, you couldn't keep your eyes off of her. You weren't aware that you were staring until she turned her attention towards you.

"Is there something that is bothering you? You have been staring at me." She brought up and you blushed the moment she mentioned that you had been staring.

"I only...Celestia...you are really beautiful...I mean, today is really beautiful...hahaha..." You told her and then tried to cover your previous remark up. Being obvious that you liked her was a bad thing. Someone like Celeste wouldn't like you. You convinced yourself.

"I see so that is why..." The dark-haired female sighed as she clearly didn't seem flustered. You imagined that she must be complimented a lot.

"You have cake smeared all over your cheeks." She remarked.

"What?! Oh, no no no!" You exclaimed as you looked around for a napkin frantically. You were embarrassing yourself in front of her again. You usually didn't mind looking messy but in front of the girl, you liked it was embarrassing.

The gambler took out a neat handkerchief. She wiped your face off and then glanced at her now stained handkerchief.

"You can keep the handkerchief. You will need it." Celestia told you as she expected you to make more of a mess. She handed it to you and took it.  You were a tomboy such an item wasn't suited to you. But it was a gift from the girl you liked. So you decided to wash it and keep it with you.

"Thank you so much!" You thanked loudly with a smile. Feeling giddy that you actually got something from her.

"It's just a handkerchief. I don't understand why you are so excited. " She responded not understanding why you were excited to this extent.

"It's because you gave it to me." You explained as you glanced down at it.

"You are acting like you like me." The gambler retorted and actually hit the nail on the head.

"I do like you." You admitted deciding to confess your feelings to her.

"No, you don't. We hardly talk."

"But we can talk more and spend more time together." You mentioned as you were more than willing to get to know her more. You bet that the gambler had a really exciting and sophisticated life. You wanted to date her and hold hands...maybe kiss.

"I am not interested in you."

"I figured you may not like girls."

"It's not that. Although, I do prefer boys. We have nothing in common, you are sloppy, and you aren't even skilled at gambling."

"I see...that's okay. I understand." You responded as you glanced downwards.

"So now you understand. "

"Yeah..." You told her as you walked out of the room. At least you confessed your feelings even though you were rejected by her. To help try to get your mind off of the rejection you tried to play some video games.


Eh, the reader isn't really much of a tomboy. More of an awkward reader. But, I've never really written for tomboys. This is a one-sided feelings/crush type of oneshot. Since I saw this as being more accurate to Celeste and I wasn't sure how to write a romantic relationship with her and the reader. Besides, there aren't many oneshots with a character one-sided feelings or rejection.

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