Mondo Oowada x Fem! Sick! Reader

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Being sick was awful. You wished to be able to feel better soon. As you had a lot of things you wanted to do. But you felt like crap so you couldn't enjoy or do those things. You usually would ride your bike to school. But there was no way you could go to school in your condition.

To do something you decided to clean the apartment and thought about leaving. There wasn't much here and you couldn't bother anyone.

There was a knock at your door. You groaned and walked to the door to see who it was.

Upon opening the door you could see a familiar face and Pompadour. It was Mondo Oowada the ultimate biker gang leader. Why was he here? Of course, he was here to see you. His gaze on you as he could tell that you were unwell.

"Mondo, why are you here?" You asked.

"Why am I here? Ain't it obvious?  I came because you didn't come to school." He answered as after not seeing you at school he wondered if something was wrong.

"But you don't need to co-"

"Of course, I needed to. You're my girlfriend! Of course, I have every reason to see if you are okay and help you!" The biker exclaimed a look of concern on his face.

Your cheeks reddened and you coughed a bit.

"I am fine." You told him as you expected that you would get better soon.

"No, you're not. You are sick. You need to stay in bed. I will do everythin' to take care of you." He retorted clearly being too stubborn to give up on this and caring too much to leave you alone.

"You can come in." You told him blushing lightly as you left the door open and walked out the way so he could enter.


he brunette entered your place but a look of concern was still on his face.

To your surprise, the biker picked you up.

"Mondo, why are- *cough* "

"You need to rest. I'll carry you to your bed." He told you earning a brighter blush from you in response. To be carried like this to bed was really embarrassing.

You could see a blush on his cheeks as well. He carried you over in his arms like a princess. The brunette set you gently on the bed and lightly covered you with a few blankets.

"I'll rest a bit. But you don't have to do anything else for me."

"I wanna do things for you. You are important to me. Trust me, this isn't  botherin' me at all."

"Okay, I just don't want to burden you. You have the gang to worry about and school."

"You could never be a burden." He told you as he really meant that. Mondo intended to take care of you and make you happy. You were really important to him so he would treat you right.

"Anyway, I'm gonna check to see if there is anythin' for you to eat. That may help you get some energy." Mondo responded as the boy went to the kitchen. Unfortunately, there was nothing in the kitchen. Not that the biker even knew how to cook anyway.

"There isn't anythin' in the kitchen." He explained.

"Yeah, I didn't get the chance to go shopping." You answered as you regretted not getting some food sooner before you got sick.

If there wasn't anything at your place Mondo knew he would have to pick up somethings. But he didn't like leaving you alone by yourself.

"I'll be right back. I will get some things fast. Don't leave your bed, okay?" He requested as he didn't want to worry. But he would worry even if you didn't leave the bed.

"Okay." You answered.

The biker left the apartment and quickly made his way to a convenience store. The brunette decided to get something simple like sandwiches, riceballs, and canned beverages. He made sure to get some medicine well he was out. He didn't spend too much time deciding what to buy as he didn't want to leave you by yourself for too long.

After paying Mondo made his way back to your place quickly. When he entered the set the bag near you.

"Here. I got some things. It's nothin' fancy. I can't even cook for you." The biker touched the back of his neck and he glanced away from you. He felt guilty for not being able to do more for you well you were sick. As he wanted to be able to do more for you. Someone amazing as you deserved that.

"It's fine. I appreciate this. In fact, I like simple things. So these are great. You're the best boyfriend I could ask for. If I wasn't sick I would kiss you." You responded as you wanted Mondo to know that you were grateful for everything he was doing for you. He was a caring boyfriend who always tried to take care of you. He could be hot-headed at times and loud.

"Great, I am glad. I mean, about you like what I brought. I hope you get better soon." He told you to blush on his cheeks. Mondo could be really cute as well.

"I will get better especially with you treating me so well." You told him taking {favorite sandwich} and  {favorite drink}. You took a bite of the sandwich and and a sip of the drink.

"I got some medicine as well. So you can take that later." The biker said looking down at you.

"Thank you, Mondo. When I get better I will give you plenty of kisses." You told him as you did want to kiss him but doing so would make him sick. So you would have to save any kisses for when you recovered. You could see the brunette blush when you said that.

"Oh,t-then...I will look forward to when you're better!" He answered a blush still lingering on his cheeks. He was louder since he was clearly flustered by your words. You smiled finding that quite cute.


"Yes?" The biker asked.

"You are so cute."


This is my first time writing for Mondo for a one shot. I had finished Yu Yu Hakusho at that point near the time I first played Danganronpa. Which wasn't too long ago. Mondo was my favorite from THH I liked him first because he was like Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho but I got to like him as a character as I went through his free time events. This is a oneshot request I was glad to get as I never got to write a oneshot for him. I wanted to make it a bit different than my Gundam x Sick!  reader and Teruteru x Sick! Reader. I hope this is alright.

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