Hifumi Yamada x Otaku! Reader {Limited Edition}

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There was going to be a con that would be happen soon. It was only to be expected that you would go. In fact, you were confidant you could make out well if you planned everything out and stuck to the schedule. Yes, you would be disapointed if you missed the merchandise and the limited doujinshi. Some were done by popular creators. You knew that Hifumi Yamada was participating and with how popular his works were. You would have to schedule to get in line at the ideal time that way you could manage to get a good spot.

With the schedule you came up with you were confidant that everything would work out perfectly. So you after you set everything out you got some rest.

The next morning you set out after eating breakfast. You found your way to the con and waited for the con to start. As soon as it did you started on your schedule following it to the various tables and you walked past the various cosplayers. You had your eyes on collecting everything you sought out so you hardly wanted to get sidetracked.

So far you managed to find exactly what you wanted. Now you just needed to get some the limited edition Demon Angel☆Pretty Pudgy Princess merchandise. Some of what was avaliable was new. So receiving it first especially the limited editions was very important for a fan. You knew that if you didn't get the merchandise today then that meant you could hardly call yourself a fan.

As you picked up a figure you spotted an overweight boy with glasses. He picked up the figure you were about the grab. It was a limited edition Princess Piggies figure. Certainly, something you had to have. "How lucky, I managed to get this first."

"I saw it first." You grumbled as you hardly wanted to lose.

"Yes but you need to be able to grab it before someone else does." He told you looking gleeful that he managed to get a figure before you did. Luckily, you found another but the guy really ruined the momemt.

"So my rival. You must think that you are a real Demon Angel☆Pretty Pudgy Princess fan."

"Of course, I am. I have watched the show countless times and I own even the most rare merchandise. I also, score high in the forums and my Doujinshi is quite skilled. You can not say that am not a true fan. " He went on confidently.

"Alright, I believe you. Besides, how could I question you, Hifumi Yamada?"

"Ah, yes. It seems like you too comprehend me and the greatness of my work."

"Yes, your work is great. Even I must admit this. But I will improve with my own work. As I can hardly let you upstage me like before in the dojin circles. I will get popular enough to be invited." You exclaimed as you clenched your first.

"Well, at least you realize that. If you happen to be invited to the dojin circles then I may consider you my actual rival. Until then we are just too fans of 2D and the glorious wonders of anime." He mentioned. You knew that the alpha and Omega certainly wouldn't consider you a rival. He had more talent bug that didn't mean you woukd give up.

"We shouldn't stand here all day. There is plenty of merchandise to purchase. How about we work together to get past them all to collect everything?" You suggested.

"Of course. In times like these teaming up may mean the difference between acquiring everything and losing everything." Hifumi exclaimed dramatically. You were glad that he was willing to work with you.

He two you together shoved through the people and ran to where the merchandise was. With the both of your strong desires as Otaku gathering everything was possible.

"We managed...to do it." You panted being exhausted and holding a bunch of bags filled to brim with everything you wanted. Yes, you wasted a lot of money in the con but to you in was normal. Not to memtion you couldn't help yourself.

"Good work...you weren't that bad." Hifumi complimented as he panted.

You two gave one another a high five as the both of you smiled.

"Hifumi...working together with you wasn't that bad." You commented as you enjoyed spending time working together. In the past the two of you were friends. Well, you never really used the term but you two certainly were. Even though you knew that Hifumi pushed you away and focused on 2D over you. But honestly you did the same. Maybe that was why the two of you actually got along so well.

But it was the jealousity and the fact that he went off doing things without you that caused your friendship to fall apart. You wanted to spend time together talking about the wonders of 2D, Princess Piggies, and just nerding out with him. He became a close friend of yours before you realized. You forgot how much he meant to you and now you realized it.

"That is true. How about you work together with me on my Doujinshi? Maybe we can watch the newest episode of Demon Angel☆Pretty Pudgy Princess. Ah, right they are screening the new movie soon. Perhaps, you can join me and then we can discuss this along with the newest episode. "

"I would love that." You answered back as it would great to be able to work with him. It was a great honor since you knew his work was incrediable. So of course, you would accept his offer. You were excited about the newest episode and movie as well. But you were even more excited and happy to be able to spend time together. Since you really missed being able to do that.


I have never been to con before. So if I get some things not accurate I apologize. This is just information I gathered online. I decided to write for Hifumi as no one really writes for him and I wanted to challenge myself. I know this is more of a friendship then a romance. But I felt like I had to because this felt more natural and sweet. Not to mention maybe I can write another if this is good enough and I feel like writing one.

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