Sick! Jataro Kemuri x Lil ultimate nurse! Female! Reader

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You heard groans coming from Jataro's room. So you decided to check it out. What you saw when you entered him room was the masked boy with fluids spouting out from his mask. Tissues scattered the floor and bed. It was really gross. You would admit that. But you were the Lil ultimate nurse. So you knew it was only right to help him.

"Jataro? Since you are sick I can take care of you." You offered with your sweetest smile.

"Ehhhh...But why {y/n} Don't I totally gross you out... With fluids coming out of me I am really disgusting, right? You can't stand to be around me." He retorted as he always thought of himself like that. You knew he preferred people to hate him or maybe it was easier that way.

"I am the nurse. So it is my duty to take care of sick people! That includes you. So no buts! I am taking care of you." You stated energetically as it was obvious you were too stubborn to leave him alone.

"I don't understand..." He muttered and mumbled a few other things under his breath that you couldn't quite catch.

First you left to get your supplies and some food. Since retrieving those things would help you take care of Jataro. Then you quickly returned to his room after getting everything.

"You're back? I thought you left so you wouldn't have to see me anymore or that you forgot about me. Everyone forgets about me-"

"Jataro, I won't forget about you. Besides, how could I forget about one of my patients." You answered with a cheerful grin

"Ehhh...I don't understand you at all." The masked boy seemed even more confused by how you were acting towards him.

"You don't have to understand me. Just let me take care you and focus on getting better, okay?" You told him as you took out the medicine.

"Ewww, not that stuff. I hate that stuff. It's the icky stuff adults give us when we're sick. You must be trying to poison me since you hate me. " Jataro showed disgust at the cough syrup you brought out.

After talking so much the Lil ultimate art ended up coughing.

"This is magical potion. It takes away your cough. My magic potion is way different then the one those rotten adults give. Since it way more special~" You told him as you hardly wanted to think about adults. Especially, the way they treated everyone. You joined the warriors of Hope with everyone so you could destroy all the adults. No all the demons.

"Really? It will."

" will so just swallow a spoonful okay." You took out a spoon and poured a bit into the spoon. As you proceeded to hold it out to him. You sat down next to the bed where he was laying.  He opened his mouth and accepted the spoon into his mouth. After swallowing the medicine you smiled.

"I also, heated up this yummy soup for you. It another one of my famous magical cures." You took out the bowl of soup and a clean spoon.

He took the bowl and spoon.

"Be careful, you can burn your tongue. So blow on it, okay?"

Jataro did as you asked and blew on the soup and then began to eat the soup.

A smile coming to his face. Which was really rare for him. But as soon as he finished the soup his smile was gone.

"This soup is really good. But why are you did you do all this for me? Everyone hates me. I know they do. They look at me with disgust. It must be because of my awful face and personality."

"You are my patient. I don't need any other reason. Besides, you aren't that bad." You mentioned since you did think he shouldn't be so negative though.

"No I am really bad."

"Jataro...You aren't bad. It's all the demon's fault. They are the bad ones."


"No need to stop being negative. I don't like it when you treat yourself like that. It makes me really upset." You pouted and grabbed his hand.

"If I make you upset you don't have to be around me-"

"Jataro. I want to be around you."

"What? No, you don't. Nobody wants to-"

"I want to! So let me. I will be with you." You stared at him intensively.

"You should hate me..."

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you." You told him leaving him quiet for a few seconds. As it was obvious he was trying to think of something to say.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." You answered as you squeezed his hand.

"Well, if you want to stay with me. I guess, you can..." Jataro trailed off unsure of what to say to you.

"Yay! Oh, right. Jataro, get some rest. Rest makes people feel better."

"But what if I rest and this is a dream. I rather my eye balls dry up and for them to fall out. Then shut my eyes."

"I will stay here and hold your hand the whole time. I won't go anywhere. So rest."

"But I don't want to. I know that this has to be a dream. Since there is no way someone couldn't-"

"Jataro. It isn't a dream. Not to mention didn't I tell you to stop being so negative." You told him with a childish grin.

"Okay. But don't let go of my hand."

"I promise." You told him and soon his eyes closed. As you knew that you had to do this for him. If this was all that it took to comfort him then you would gladly do it. You continued to stay by his side the entire night. As you promised you held his hand the whole time and watched him. You noticed a light smile on his face. Maybe he was having a nice dream? You continued to watch him until you fell asleep sitting by his bed.


Alright, I finally finished a oneshot request after a while. I have been caught up with a lot things. Mainly, college and other things in my life. I never wrote for Jataro so I hope this is alright.

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