{Human! Kiibo x Mukuro} Let us learn more about each other

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Both of them were alike far then could be admitted to either of them.

Kiibo always pretended like he wasn't bothered by the fact that he was out of the loop. Since he often helped out his father professor Idabashi that he didn't really go out much to spend time with friends or catch up on the latest trends. With how focused he was on tasks and how he obeyed his father he jokingly was called a "Robot." Even though he was human. He hated the term and tried to prove that he was like everyone else on many occasions. But he continued to be messed with  to his dismay.

Another girl had been on the battlefield. Joined a mercenary group Fenrir and never received a single injury.   She fought and obeyed her orders. Yes, she was like a robot. Did she truly do anything for herself? If getting her sister's attention and praise wasn't it.  The answer was no. She did what her sister told her. Nothing changed for her. She never really knew love or compassion. Just followed orders like a robot. She even dressed as her sister and pretended to be here. The girl "Mukuro" being hidden behind an act.

The "Robot" boy had interacted with a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes,  and a rather beautiful face. She was the ultimate fashionista based on what he heard. But the robot didn't fail to notice her preference of rations over other food or that her mind seemed focused in other places. Due to his father's influence he held a curiousity for everything around him.

"Hello, Junko." Kiibo greeted with a light smile.

"Yeah, hello." Mukuro responded keeping up an act of not caring. Like how her sister Junko would do.

"I was wondering if you would spend some time perhaps eating or some activity together?"

"Huh? Are you asking me out on a date?"

"I do not understand the terms. But I suppose you could call it that."

"Oh, fine. I'll go with you." The ultimate soldier answered bit wondered if it was alright for her to go.
Wait, what was she thinking? She knew that Junko wouldn't want her to. Besides, Kiibo probably wanted to go out with Junko Enoshima not Mukuro Ikusaba. Maybe she was growing a bit soft for him. Thus the reason why she accepted his offer.

《Time Skip》

"You've got a date swine. Really as if he really wants to go out with you." Junko scoffed at her. Yes, she knew that her sister saw her as nothing but a filthy pig. Maybe she accepted this treatment. Told herself she liked it because that was all she had. Kiibo treats her different. He felt someway like her but. He was far more sensitive.

"You know what. Fine you can go. How about you build up his hopes? Then lead him to despair. Yes, that is a fantastic idea. Puhuhuhu~" Junko laughed actually pleased with herself with the idea.

"Try to use him too. He is good at building robots and stuff like that. " Junko clearly hoped that her pig of a sister wouldn't mess this up.

"If you want you could just text him. That you can't come and that your sister is coming. So you can show him your filthy face." She suggested glancing over to the dark haired female.

Mukuro took out her  cell phone and texted Kiibo like her sister told her to.

'Hey, I can't come after all. Would be alright if my big sis came instead?'

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