Teruteru Hanamura x Fem! Reader {Lemon} Tonight's Main Dish

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After finishing so much work that meant you finally had some free time. Which meant you could just enjoy being with your husband without any stress. It was his birthday. So you had even more reason to treat him.  Teruteru had been considerate of how hard you worked. As the pudgy chef made you meals and gave you some shoulder massages. He did make his usual perverted remarks but you appreciated how much he cared about you.

Since he had been treating you well. You wanted to do something for him. Well, you already knew well what he was into. You two have been dating a while and it was obvious to him. But it wasn't like you minded at all. You wouldn't have married him if you weren't used to how perverted he was.

You knew that Teruteru would be out for a bit. So you just had to wait for him to come back home.

"Honey, I am home~" He called out with a smile.

"Happy birthday!" You exclaimed with a cheerful smile as you held out a cake. You lit the candles and walked towards him.

"Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to yooouuu
Happy birthday my darling
Happy birthday to you"

You sang with much energy.

Tears came down his chubby cheeks.

"Are you crying? Oh, no did I mess up on the cake that badly?"

"No, it's not that. It's just touched me that you would make a cake for me and would spend my birthday with me."

"Damn, why do you have to be so precious?"

"I was thinking the same thing, my lovely."

"Stop if you say such sweet things I'll..."


"Let's say, I'll do this and that..."

"Oh, tell me more about exactly what you mean." He grinned a bit of nose bleed coming from his nose.

"Anyway, blow out the candles and make a wish."

The pudgy brunette took a deep breath and blew out the candles.

"I won't ask what you wished for. But I hope it comes true."

"Me too. Anyway, I have to try your cake. I'll see if your baking skills have improved."

After finishing cutting a piece for you and him he set it on the table. You took a bite of the cake. It tasted....terrible. maybe you left it in too long.

"Teruteru... no...don't eat it..."

"What it can't be that bad."


He took a bite and looked at you.

"It's not that bad. But if I'm being honest it is terrible. But I appreciate that you went through the effort to make this. You made this for me."

{Lemon part will soon be starting. Not exactly now, but will soon. So if you don't want to read that you may want to stop reading soon.}

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