Kaito Momota x Reader {My Wish...}

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Today was his birthday. You thought about what to give him days ago. What was most important was that his birthday would have to be amazing. The ultimate astronaut always cheered you up and supported you. The least you could do was make him happy on his birthday. Kirumi was already making preparations for the party. You tried in making gifts yet you failed again and again.

Should you just get something from the Mono-Mono machine and gift it to him? Since that seemed to be the best option at the moment you decided to see what you could get from the machine. Getting something Kaito would especially love was a difficult task. As sometimes you would get repeats of items or get items that would be good to give another student and not so much for Kaito. When you finally got the Home Planet item that could project stars onto the walls you knew this was the perfect gift for him.

You did want to spend time with him without the others around. You wanted to confess your feelings. Confessing your feelings for Kaito was a big gamble. It may make things awkward. Especially, if he didn't feel the same about you. What were you thinking? Even if he did like you confessing on such a day was simply bad timing. You should just give your gift and enjoy spending time with him.

You found Kaito near by and went over by him.

"Hey Kaito. Happy Birthday. " You told him with a smile.

"Thanks. I am glad you remembered." The purple-haired teen smiled in response.

"So later on I was wondering if we could talk. I have something to give you too." You told him but it was obvious that he may be wondering why you couldn't talk or give it to him now.

" You can talk to me now? But I suppose if you don't feel talking now that is alright." Kaito told you clearly not pressuring you and you liked how understanding he could be.

"So it is alright if we meet up later on tonight?"

"Of course! Later on tonight is fine with me." He told you although you knew that he had training with Shuichi and Maki during the night time. Perhaps, that meant that the two of you could talk to each other after the three were done training.

After a while you proceeded to go to the party with Kaito. Which the ultimate astroaunt did enjoy. When the party was done with and it was nighttime Kaito waited by his usual spot for the others to shop. The other two showing up and you did too. As you figured that you might as well get involved in today's training too.

You weren't the best at push-up although Shuichi wasn't that good at them either. Maki finished her push-ups quite quickly. The dark-haired girl turning in early and after a while Shuichi left to. The only two left in the courtyard were the two of you.

Kaito was still sitting down but his gaze was up at the stars above. You looked up to and had to admit that the stars were quite beautiful. You didn't know much about the constellations or star names though.

"The stars are beautiful tonight." You commented with a light smile.

"Yeah, they are." The purple-haired boy responded glancing over to you. A light blush on his cheeks as he looked over to you and he sooner glanced away.

"So you had something you wanted to talk about?" Kaito asked bringing that up and you remembered what you wanted to say. With everything that day you almost forgot.

"I got you something by the way." You told him getting off topic and taking out the Home planet item and gave it to him.

"This is incrediable. You know me so well. Anyway, thanks for the gift." He grinned and seeing how happy he was made you quite happy.

"Kaito...I was wondering do you have anything you would wish for?" You asked glancing towards the astroaunt.

The purple-haired make thought about your question for a bit.

"Come now, I can't tell you that. If I did the wish wouldn't come truth. Not that I believe in that kind of stuff. Since I Kaito Momota can make my dreams come true!" He grinned, you loved how passionate he was.

"That is admirable. You really are amazing Kaito." You told him with a light blush on your cheeks.

"You're pretty amazing too, {y/n}. So have faith in yourself." He let you know. It made happy to hear him say that. The astronaut always could make you feel inspired to try your best.

"Alright, I'm not going to give up." You exclaimed as you felt even more determined to let Kaito know your feelings. Maybe not today but someday. For now you were going to enjoy the stars and instead of just wishing on them. You were going to make your goal a reality. Even if you got rejected in the end.


This was something I was writing for Kaito's birthday. But a lot was going on and I didn't finish it on time. This is really late.

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