Weiss x reader songfic ( Mine by Taylor Swift)

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-Your Pov-

Valentine's Day. You always hated this holiday, and you probably would until the day you died. If Oum showed up in front of you and said you either had to celebrate the holiday, or he would strike you down, then you would simply ask him to make it quick and painless. It wasn't just that you were single and bitter. In fact, you were actually in a loving relationship, with Weiss Schnee in fact. That had been something you never expected to happen, and yet it had, mostly thanks to the help of your sister Nora. She had threatened to break your legs if you didn't tell her who your crush was, and so you figured you might as well. From there, Nora had somehow managed to convince Weiss to go out with you. 

The revelation you were in a relationship and hated Valentine's Day was something shocking to most people. Most people in relationships loved Valentine's Day. Romantic gestures. Flowers. Songs. Candy ( although you were totally going to go shopping tomorrow and take all of those 50 percent off deals) and the whole works. And you were with Weiss. She may not have shown it much, but the girl was a closet romantic. In the time you had been dating her, she had spoiled you more times than you could count. So, if you weren't single, and in fact were in a loving relationship, then why hate the holiday with such a passion?

For one, you didn't like how much money Hallmark and other companies made of the holiday. There was something fundamentally wrong to you about exploiting the romantic feelings of a couple to make a buck. And on top of that, you didn't like how a lot of people were around this holiday. To you, there were basically two types of people. First, the people like your sister Nora, who used this as an excuse to totally spoil their partner, and be all sappy and lovey-dovey. And then there was the other camp of people in relationships, the ones who used Valentine's Day as an excuse to be a neglectful partner throughout the rest of the year, as well as using it for apologies and something else. 

You fell into neither camp, and yet still hated the holiday for those reasons. On top of that, there was another stupid dance coming up. Sure, you loved dancing with Weiss, and she always looked gorgeous. But unlike your sister, social scenes were never really your scene. You often felt claustrophobic and would much rather spend a quiet evening with Weiss, something she appreciated. However, she had been asked to help plan the dance, and so you knew she was going to want everyone to go and appreciate the handwork she had put into it. The dance was going to be great for sure. When Weiss planned them, they always were. And yet, there was always one problem with the dances. 

Weiss was gorgeous, and you weren't the only guy who knew this. Juane knew it, and so did Neptune. The both of them would engage in playful flirtation with her. Weiss always let them know she was happily with you, and yet there was that doubt in your mind that lingered. With Juane, you had been less worried recently, since Nora was trying to set him up with Phyrra. However, Neptune was still a problem in your mind, as he still had yet to take the hint that Weiss didn't want to date him. But, there was still this nagging doubt in your mind. 

Not that Weiss would cheat. She just wasn't that kind of girl. Plus, Nora would break her legs, and Weiss knew it too. It was just that you knew if Weiss wanted to, she would break up with you. As much as Neptune may have annoyed you, he may have been the type of guy Weiss would go better with. He was confident, almost annoyingly so. He somehow made blue hair and goggles work, and girls loved him. And, a part of you was always worried that eventually, Weiss would also fall for his charm. 

It also didn't help that you and Nora had no social status. Neptune wasn't exactly loaded either, but he came from a loving family with a respectable income. On the other hand, you and Nora had been orphaned from a young age, and had no money to your name to speak of. You weren't ashamed of your circumstances, but painfully aware of them, for lack of a better term. It was something you felt like you could never escape from. 

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