RWBY Imagines 4

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The two of you don't actually fight all that much, since neither of you have tempers. However, when you do fight, it tends to be very bad, a culmination of built up tension and anger

Your finds tend to switch topics rapidly, and it takes you a while to follow and understand it

Ruby tends to be a little more childish, and will often say things such as 'I hate you' and it hurts your feelings, but you know she doesn't mean it

She always apologizes once she calms down, and then she always tries to end an argument in time for bed so you can cuddle

It's easy for you hurt her feelings, so you always are careful not to say something you might regret and won't be able to take back


You don't argue with her a lot, however you do get lectured by her a lot. When the two of you fight, it tends to turn into a screaming match, and neither of you win

She keeps her argument on one topic, before moving to the next

Weiss knows exactly how to hurt your feelings, and she always holds back to avoid doing that. However, if she gets really angry, then she knows how to target all your vulnerabilities

If she does hurt your feelings, she takes a pause from the argument to apologize and tell you she didn't mean it

The only way you can hurt her feelings is by saying she's just like her father, but you will never cross that line


Luckily, the two of you don't tend to fight since the both of you agree on a lot. However, the do of you fight when it comes to how she doesn't think you're taking things as seriously as she is

The arguments you have with her tend to be calm however. She doesn't like to raise her voice, and she lets the two of you pause in the arguments to calm down and not hurt each other

Blake knows how to hurt your feelings, but will never do that. If she feels like she may something she can take back, then she'll stop the argument so she can calm down and not hurt you

A lot of things bounce off of Blake, however you still pause the argument to make sure you don't say something she might be hurtful


The both of you tend to have tempers from time to time, and so odds are you can find something to fight about

The arguments you have aren't shouting matches though, they tend to be calm and then get angrier. The most serious it ever gets is when one of you slams your hands on furniture.

If Yang's eyes turn red, then it scares you and that's her cue to calm down. She knows how badly she could hurt you, and never wants you to think she would do that to you

When the two of you have big fight, the two of you will try to hold onto that anger for as long as you can since you tend to be stubborn. However, the two of you never hold onto it for too long, and usually get to a place where you can cuddle that night


It takes a lot before things turn into an argument for the two of you. You can debate a wide range of topics, but very rarely does it turn into an argument

She has a lot of training at controlling her emotions, and so she can deal with a lot, so the arguments you have are very calm and logical

Pyrrha doesn't like to draw out an argument, and so she often apologizes just to end it

The two of you respect each other enough to know the two of you won't always agree, but the relationship is more important


She doesn't have a temper, but she feels all emotions in extremes, which means when she gets angry, she's really angry.

The arguments you have with her tend to involve a lot of shouting and screaming, and talking over each other

No matter how angry she gets, Nora never considers hurting you or using her strength to intimidate you. If she gets to that point, she realizes she needs to calm down and takes the time to

Any argument the two of you may have ends when the two of you want to cuddle, no exceptions


She tries to control her anger, however she does have a temper and is quick to berate others, including you

The arguments you have are more so monologues where she does everything she can to intimidate you, or hurt you

If she thinks she crossed a line, she doesn't apologize outright. It's in smaller steps such as her comforting you or being kinder to you for a little bit

Arguments with her can last for awhile, and she can hold onto anger for days. However, if a big date is coming up, like a birthday, she'll be the first to calm down so the two of you can celebrate that together.


Arguments with her don't come up all that often. She usually removes herself before she loses her temper. But, if the two of you do argue, she's very good at hurting you, and her yelling at you is enough to scare you

Sometimes sparks fly from her because of the Maiden Powers. When this happens, you step back in fear and then this is what makes her realize she needs to calm down

The two of you often have calm discussions instead of arguments to make sure all tensions between the two of you are known so it doesn't explode into an argument

She's very good at appearing professional for the tribe, and is very good about accepting her role in an argument and apologizing, especially if she scared you.


She tends to be more direct and confrontational, which leads to the two of you arguing from time to time

She's very sarcastic when she argues. There is nothing you can say she won't have a response to in some form or fashion.

Coco can hold onto something, but never at the expense of your feelings or the relationship

If you offer to take her shopping, she'll scoff that you'll be paying, but you know it means she wants to calm down.


Arguments with her make you feel like the biggest jerk in the world. She has mastered the guilt trip

She sometimes cries in the argument when she doesn't know how to express how angry she is without words, which makes you calm down to comfort her.

If you leave the room, she often tackle hugs you from behind to tell you she's sorry

After an argument, Neo is nervous around you at first until she knows you aren't still angry. When this happens, buy her ice cream and apologize if you scared her. 

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