RWBY Imagine 6

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Long Mission


You hate telling her you're going to be gone for awhile, since you know how much she worries

Her biggest worry is that you'll die on the mission like her mother did, and she says she couldn't handle it if that happened again

She makes you promise that you're going to come back, saying if you break the promise, she can never trust you again

Before you leave, she asks you to bake for her, and you make enough cookies to tide you over until she comes back.

When you're gone, she does her best to keep her cheerful demeanor, however those around her can tell how much she wishes you were there

Once you've come back from the mission, she instantly attaches herself to you, and you will never get her off you, not that you're trying to remove her


When you tell her you have a long mission, she tries to keep a calm demeanor about it, but you can just tell she's going to be worried

Her biggest worry is that you'll end up always having to be away on missions, like Winter is

Weiss jokes to you that it will be nice for her to get some peace and silence once you're gone, but you know she's going to miss you the entire time

Before you leave, Weiss spends as much time with you as she possibly can, preparing herself to be without you for a little bit

When you leave, Weiss tries to act normal. However, she will often sit under your covers, and wear your hoodies and anything else that makes her feel like you're there.

Once you get back, Weiss insists that you take a shower before anything, since you probably stink. But, she gives you one hug and then sends you in the shower. While you shower, she gets rid of any evidence she wore your clothes or sat in your bed


Once you break the news to her that you have to be on a long mission, she goes into this weird state where she dettaches a little bit, and then only asks you logical questions to get all the details that she can regarding the mission, such as how long you'll be gone

She worries about you non-stop on the mission, and often calls you between classes, and whenever she has free time.

Blake often doesn't sleep when you're deployed, since she has nightmares and only feels safe when you snuggle with her. She knows how much this worries you, and she still does her best to sleep.

Before you leave for the mission, Blake makes sure to spend a lot of time with you, reading and just being together. She often gives you things such as her hair ties to make sure you have something of hers on the mission, since she borrows all of your things when you're gone. She also writes you notes to read on the mission to make sure you're thinking of her

The first time you told her you were going to be gone for a little bit, she removed her bow to tie it around your arm, as she made you promise to come back

Once you do come back, Blake asks you all kinds of questions about the mission. When you were gone, she imagined it in worst case scenarios, and she needs to know it wasn't as dangerous as she had thought


She tries to act tough when you're on a mission, since she knows the two of you are going to be huntsman, which means this won't be the only time it happens

However, she worries that you're going to leave her like her mother. No matter how many times you tell her you won't, there's a part of her that still worries

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