Change the future: Yang x Reader

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-Your Pov-

You ran down the city, and did your best only to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. Angry as they made you, you didn't have time to look around and see the buildings as they burned, or the bodies that had never been properly buried. Things such as that were something you had been forced to accept a long time ago, such was the reality of the world now that Beacon had fallen and Salem had won the war. As you continued to run, the ground shook under the weight of Paladins storming forward. Once, these had been one of the greatest symbols of Atlas military might, and one of the symbols representing the fight for justice and peace. And now they were being used to wreak havoc or perform tasks such as what they were doing today, which was a random killing to prove a point, which was that no one could oppose Salem and her forces.

As you did your best to dodge them all, you cursed your stupidity as well as your bad luck. You should have been home hours ago, and then you never would have been in this position. You knew what happened to those who broke the laws, curfew being one of them. All you had wanted to do was see the stars at night. Your father had always told you they were beautiful before he had been killed. Remembering the death of your father became the motivation you needed to keep moving. You pictured the look on your mothers face when she was told her son had died, and you knew you had to keep moving. Already, your mother had lost so much, and you weren't going to let her lose you as well. You had to keep moving, and keep one foot in front of the other.

The only reason you were even still alive is because the two people who were trying to kill you weren't trying all that hard. Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black, two of the top lieutenants of Salem. They had been instrumental in making all of this possible, and because of that they had the ability to do almost whatever they wanted now that Salem had what she wanted. Right now, they had evidently decided that they wanted to mess with you for a little bit. They sat together on one of the Paladins, and then ate from popcorn as you ran away from them. To make the chase last for a little bit longer, they purposely gave you opportunities to get away from them, only to cut you off. They had the blasts fire in predictable patterns, and the two of them were laughing the entire time. Clearly, they were having the time of their life chasing you and others down.

Eventually, you couldn't manage to keep moving, and so you dropped to your knees. Trying to rise up again, you dropped to the ground again. You looked up, and then saw Mercury hop down from the Paladin, and then he sighed when he saw you. " Dammit,"he says. " Chasing you was the most fun I've had in a little bit, and it's a shame it hand to end this way."

He brings his foot over your head, and then prepares to bring it down. You shut your eyes and wait for the pain that never comes. Instead, you hear a burst of gunfire and then open your eyes to see Mercury doing a series of flips and then landing behind one of the Paladins. Looking over, you see a blonde girl facing down Emerald, Mercury and all of the Paladins. Her blonde hair flies in the wind, and her eyes are red as she stares them down. A yellow scarf is around her neck, and you notice her one shotgun gauntlet, and her prosthetic arm, beaten and dented.

" Yes," shouts Mercury happily. " Oh Oum. Things have been so boring without you around Blondie." The girl doesn't say anything, and then she begins to fight with both Emerald and Mercury. As she fights, you can't help but think there's something familiar about this girl, and then it finally dawns on you as you see her flames shoot out of her back. This is Yang Xiao Long, the only surviving member of Team RWBY.

You've read about her in textbooks, seen pictures of her, and then of course your mother has told you about Yang, saying that she gives hope to a lot of people, continuing to fight and save people whenever she has the chance to. As you see her, you can't help but admire how strong she is, graceful and you can't help but think that she's gorgeous. Eventually, Mercury flips away from her cursing the entire time as he does.

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