Chapter 1: Times Like These

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Stiles POV 

"Hey wanna watch me practise?" I asked my twin sister who was actually studying for Harris' upcoming chemistry test, he was going to fail me either way no point trying. My sister after the words left my mouth immediately looked up smiling like a little kid on Christmas morning. 

"You are my saviour!! This was going to kill me!!" Exclaimed my sister as she pushed the textbooks away from her and followed me downstairs and outside where I was going to practise the magic I inherited from our mother. 

Our mother Claudia Stilinski was the younger sister to our Uncle John or Sheriff Stilinski. She had us with Chris Argent when he came to town 17 years ago and he left soon after we were born with Allison in tow. He kept contact with our mother so she knew how Ally was and so he knew how I was. After Mom died I never heard from Chris again until he came to town with Allison and his new wife, our step-Mom Victoria. 

We only found out we were twins after Victoria died as Chris was hoping to alleviate some of Ally's grief with some good news. It didn't work as Gerard still brainwashed her and played on the fact that Chris kept a secret from her. I, at this point, still didn't know about our familial bond and only found out from Uncle John after the whole being beat up by Gerard, and the grandfather of the year award goes to... anyway when I found out not Long after Lydia came by and we did the whole save Jackson thing and the pack got brought back together after I found Erica and Boyd in my room later that night. 

The pack, with a lot of pushing (threats of bodily harm) from me and Lydia fixed itself (still had cracks but we did our best) and managed to slowly but surely forgive Allison. Now at the start of junior year we were like a family, high dysfunctional but still. 

"Oooh do the flower spell!!" Squealed Ally as we walked outside. Smiling at my sister's predictability I held my hands out slightly as I started to perform Allison's favourite spell. Since I was a mage, inherited from our mother (she was a spark, so not as powerful as me but more powerful than a witch or warlock) which Allison didn't inherit so she stuck to guns and bows and  arrows, hunter stuff. 

As I looked around the garden the grass quickly became covered with wild flowers ranging in colour and shape. Allison ran out into the waist high mass of flowers, which came to just below my boobs since I was a short arse, laughing as she went. Joining her in the mass of flowers we laughed around like little girls as we layer in the flowers making flower chains like school girls again. 

I still live with Uncle John but have a room in the Argent house like Ally does at the Stilinski house and we both changed our last names to Argent- Stilinski, we did it to feel more like family since we never knew we were siblings until about 4-5 months ago and when we spent time together like this is made up for the missed moments of our childhood. 

"Girls lunch is ready!!" Shouted Chris (who I still didn't call dad, just because he needed to earn the title cause I was still calling Uncle John dad cause he raised me like a father). Me and ally sprinted for to house with our respective flower crowns and daisy necklaces. 

"Hey Derek texted, pack bonding tonight at the loft, I'll text Lyds see if she wants a ride" Said Allison as she picked up her phone from the counter responding to the text Derek had sent her since I usually irritated him when texting, whats wrong with text talk it's not like I did a Scott where most of the words weren't English. Nodding my head I ate the cheese toasty that Chris made me. 

"You do that whilst I eat this cheesy goodness" I Said moaning as I bit into the toasty. I didn't care that Allison and Chris were laughing at me Chris made a mean toasty. 

"Lydia said girls shopping trip tomorrow meaning that you have that mandatory make over she's been promising" laughed Allison as she saw my face fall with cheese hanging out of my mouth. 

"Fine but nothing slutty" I Said before me and Allison made eye contact and raced back into the garden. 


"Come on I think it would be a great educational experience" I begged trying to convince Allison to teleport us to Lydia's so we could head to the loft. 

"Fine but if we end up in Lomdon I'm blaming you" Said Allison before taking my hand as I started 'believing' or whatever to make us go to Lydia's. 

When I felt a slight shift in the earth I opened my eyes to see we were in some dingy alleyway. Looking out into the street I saw old fashioned cars and clothes in store windows that weren't open. 

Looking around I saw a street sign. "Oh dear" I Said before turning to Allison who seemed pissed off. 

"Get us back to Beacon Hills" She said grabbing my hand but I just smiled at her sheepishly. "What did you do?" 

"So we may or not be in 1940  Brooklyn" 


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