Chapter 17

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I was currently in the ring beating on Sarah. The ref pulled me back giving Sarah some time to recover. I went after her again, but she tagged in Colby at the last second. He got in the ring and faced me. I smirked and got in his face.

"What are you gonna do Rollins?!" I screamed in his face. He went to punch me, but I blocked it and slapped him. I went back to my corner and tagged in Jon.


"Here's your winners, Nicki and Dean Ambrose!!!" The crowd cheered as the ref raised our arms. We left the ring and went backstage going to our locker rooms. I showered quickly and changed before going to Nattie's locker room. I knocked on the door and she answered with Tyler in her arms.

"Hey Nicki," she said giving me a hug. "Hey. How was Tyler? He wasn't any trouble was he?" I asked her. "Nope. He was just being the cute baby he is," she said making me laugh. "That's good." I looked over at Tyler. "Are you ready to go find daddy?" I asked him. He smiled and clapped his little hands. "Awww," Nattie said. I took Tyler from Nattie and put him in his car seat. "I'll see you later Nattie," I said as she handed me Tyler's diaper bag. "Yup. See ya." I gave her another hug and headed to Jon's locker room. I opened the door and saw Jon sitting on the couch. I walked over to the couch and set Tyler's car seat on the table.

"Hey baby," I said kissing his cheek. "Hey sweetheart." He noticed Tyler and picked him up. "There's my little guy," he said making Tyler giggle. "Are you ready to go to the hotel?" I asked him. "Yup." He put Tyler back in his car seat and we left.

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