Chapter 30

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Sarah was laying on the mat. I hoped on the top ropes and jumped off hitting her with an elbow. I went for the pin.


She kicked out. I groaned and got up. I picked her up and threw her towards the turnbuckle. I ran towards her and punched her repeatedly. She eventually countered and kicked me in the stomach causing some separation. She leaned against the ropes to get her balance. I backed up into a corner and went after her. She moved out the way making me hit my shoulder and into the steel post. She pulled me back onto the mat and went for the pin.


I kicked out. There's no way I'm letting Sarah win. She got up and yelled at the ref. I slowly got up and regained my balance. She noticed and went after me. I got out of my way making her bounce off the ropes and hitting her with a clothesline. She got up and I clotheslined her again. She got up again and I kicked her in the stomach and hit her with dirty deeds. I went for the pin.


"And your winner, and new divas champion, Nicki!!!" Everyone in the building screamed as the ref handed me the championship. Jon slid in the ring and gave me a hug. "I knew you could do it," he said and kissed my head. I smiled and we left the ring. When we got to the top of the ramp, I turned around and raised my championship. The crowd screamed even louder and Jon and I headed backstage.

Once backstage, I saw Colby, Joe, and Tyler at the ramp entrance. Colby handed Tyler to Jon and gave me a hug.

"Congratulations Nicki!!" he exclaimed. "Thanks Colb." Sarah eventually came backstage and Joe gave her a hug. "You did great out there Sarah," I told her. "Thanks Nicki. So did you." I gave her a quick hug and headed to my locker room with Jon and Tyler.

Living The Dream~Sequel to The Boss's Daughter~FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now