Chapter one

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Undertale belongs to Toby Fox

I always thought of myself as a loner. I had few friends and each day of my life was spent in misery. As a bully victim I was always alone, an outsider. Despite all of the offensive jokes and hurtful glances from my peers I did have an outlet. I had a passion for drawing, weather it be cartoons, manga or realistic it didn't matter. When I was drawing I could truly loose myself and forget about my troubles if even for a short time. 

My favourite drawing spot was on top of Mt. Ebott. The view overlooking the valleys bellow was spectacular and the warm air relaxed me as I watched the sun setting over the hills.  

One particular day I was sitting on Mt. Ebott, drawing my latest piece of art. A robin nestled on snow covered branches. I finished up the shading of the robin and looked up in time to see the sun set. The sound of the small stream behind me brought a smile to my face and the sound relaxed me. That soon faded away as I saw a shadow appear behind me. Quickly closing my sketchbook I turned around but I didn't look up. 

" Who's there?" I said softly, now shaking from the terror I felt. I finally looked up to see a pair of black ripped jeans. I lifted my gaze further to see a white tank top, then brown eyes and blonde hair. The girl wore a smirk of her face. It was Marisa, the one known at university for always trying to bring me down. 

Marisa walked up to me and glared harshly, staring right into my eyes. Grabbing my sketchbook Marisa pushed me back. 

" What's this? " Marisa said with a smirk and flipping through the pages. 

To avoid her trying to hurt me further I reached for my sketchbook. 

" I need to get home " I reached again and Marisa pulled the sketchbook further away. She looked to the opening at the top of the mountain and without warning threw the sketchbook down into the hole. 

I ran to the hole and looked down into it, hearing a faint thud from the bottom. My eyes began to water and I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder. 

" You and your art are worthless " I was pushed before I could even utter a word. I began to fall into the dark abyss below. I was too terrified to scream so I closed my eyes and waited for my fate. It never came. Somehow, I had survived.


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