Chapter 71

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I looked deep into the skeleton's miss-matched eyes, one being just like Sans' blue, glowing eye. The other wasn't normal, but pretty to look at non the less. The star in Ink's eye shined brightly into my human eyes. I was helped to my feet, the small skeleton propping me up to stop me falling forward. Ink made his way to Papyrus, helping him up also. I took note of the confusion on Papyrus' face, like he had never seen Ink before. He had the same look when we returned, I could tell that he didn't want to press the matter nor say anything to his brother. Not yet anyway. Ink picked his brush up off the floor, dusting it off before placing it in the holster on his back. 

" I know Classic. I felt them vanish. I was planning to come sooner but I wanted to wait till you returned " I could see small tears forming in Ink's eye sockets. He seemed to care about the AUs quite a bit. I didn't understand why at first, later events would tell me all I needed to know. Sans folded his arms and sighed softly, obviously wanting to bring the others back sooner rather then later. 

" Can ya bring the Uf brothers back? " Ink nodded gently, laying his sash onto the nearby table. Brightly colored inks shined through the glass as Ink placed each one individually onto the wood surface. From the corner of my eye I saw Fell edging away from the scene, wanting to be as far away from Ink as he possibly could. I was desperate to get some sort of reaction from Fell, to find out more about his hate for the colorful skeleton. 

" Where you going Fell " Fell halted and turned back to face me, a scowl on his face. Pure anger was all I could see. I had obviously thwarted any plans the crimson skeleton had of leaving. 

" Why did ya do that?! " I chuckled at Fells reaction, his scowl deepening as Ink makes his way towards him. Ink pulled Fell into a hug, happiness being all that was visible on the starry eyed skeleton's face. 

" I missed you so much Fell! " Myself and the others watched in amusement as Fell preyed himself off his counterpart before leaving angrily, muttering curses under his breath. It was the reaction I was hoping for but as cruel as it may have seemed I got a small insight into the relationship of them both. Ink lays his brush down on the floor along side a vast array of colored inks. Blue, white, orange. The small skeleton wiped the dried ink from his face and took out a pad and pencil, sitting on the sofa. 

" Let's remaster my wonderful creation " 

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. Inktale belongs to the rightful owners ) 

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