Chapter 73

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The fire monster reached into a nearby cabinet, pulling out a bottle and handing it to the skeleton who was perched ever so delicately on the bar stool. 

" Put it.." Sans was about to speak but was quickly interrupted by Grillby, who seemed to know exactly what his friend was going to say. Grillby tapped his gloved hand on the table, almost impatient at the words that he knew would be spoken. 

" Put it on your tab, I get it. Honestly Sans one day you will have to pay me back " Sans just chuckled, almost seeming defeated. I made my way over to the pair, being as quiet as I could despite my invisibility. Small tears dropped from the skeleton's eyes onto the surface below, small sniffles escaping his person. I placed my cold hand on top of Sans' , obviously phasing through him. Despite this, the blue eyed skeleton bolted upright, feeling the coldness from my touch. I smiled warmly, knowing that Sans couldn't see me but not stopping me in the slightest. Sans smiled warmly back at me, looking deep into his bottle and taking a chug. 

" What are you smilin' at friend? " Sans shook his head and shrugged, obviously not wanting to tell even his closet friend what he had just felt. The elemental monster placed his bar rag into the sink and began clearing away left over glasses and plates of food from the other visitors. I found this sight somewhat fascinating. When I first met Grillby he was mostly silent, all I was able to hear was the crackling of his warm flames and all I could feel was the heat the resonated from him. This time seemed different. I finally heard Grillby's soft spoken but wise voice and I could feel a sense of comfort around him, the fire monster and his bar both seeming homely to me. I finally understood why Sans enjoyed coming here so often. 

" Grillbz, remember when I told ya about the timeline thing? " The elemental monster nodded, leaning on the bar gently, careful not to set his business alight. 

" Well, Paps has finally caught on and I think he's mad with me. He asked to talk to me alone later " Grillby sighed, pushing his glasses further up his face and removing his apron, hanging it up on the back door. I felt a strange sensation as Grillby walked through me and sat next to his dear friend. It felt like a strong shiver, a slight twitch of pain. My breath halted and I sighed loudly. 

" Talk to him Sans, help him understand. He's still young and scared. You kept something from him so...make it up to him " Sans smiled, talking another chug of his drink. I smiled, knowing that Sans just needed someone new to talk to. 

" Thanks old friend " 

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox ) 

Resetting Of LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora