Chapter 111

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I looked back to face the others, smile on my face. Error seemed to be backing up into a corner, flinching as the light came streaming into the dark room. We had won, finally. Error would be wasting his time destroying this world now, no inhabitants to erase. Soon everyone would be out and on the surface, fresh air in their lungs. I couldn't wait. I kept my eyes on Error, wondering what he could have had planned now. To my horror the dark skeleton just vanished into the air like he was made of dust, a smirk on his face as he did. It had all been a clever trick, designed to play with us like we were his puppets. I frowned slightly, forgetting about the barrier for the moment. If Error was some sort of illusion then it meant that he was still out there and perhaps we would meet him again one day, an exchange I would not look forward to at all. 

" Ya did it doll, well done " I smiled once again, feeling Fell's bony hand on my shoulder. The others soon followed, embracing me as close as they could. Even Swapfell Undyne gave it a try, flinching as she did. I appreciated her efforts through, perhaps one day she could feel something other then insanity and rage. Toriel seemed glad for it to be over, hearing her soft sobs as she held me close, something Blueberry also did. The others? Well they just patted my back or shoulder, congratulating me on a job well done. I did and still feel like I don't deserve such praise. After all, I wouldn't have done it without someone to guide me. Passing the others, I walked slowly over to Gaster with a soft smile on my face. I brought the tall skeleton in for a tight hug, silently thanking him for all his help and feeling a bony hand pat the top of my head. I didn't blame Gaster for being so reserved. Being locked away for years would do that to anyone and only time could fix what he had been through. 

" Dad? " I turned from one skeleton to another, seeing Sans stare is father right in the sockets and the exchange seeming somewhat tense for a few moments. To my surprise Sans came closer, taking his father's hand and shaking it gently. Gaster smiled at his actions as the other monsters in the room stood by in awe, some having not seen Gaster for as long as Sans or Papyrus. A cough from behind caused the three of us to look back, seeing Fell smirk as widely as he could. 

" So, m' pay Classic? " Sans just chuckled, summoning bottles of mustard and flinging them at his counterpart. 

" Paid in full. I don't usually buy this stuff, had to mustard up the courage to do it. " Fell smiled, opening a portal to his own time and the others following suit. They were leaving already? The battle had only just ended. With all my strength I ran over to the others, sadness weighing heavily on my heart. 

" Your'e all leaving already? I'm gonna miss you all " Turning back, each monster hugged me one last time, these embraces warmer and kinder then ever before. The others left ahead, leaving only Fell behind. I had spent the most time with this AU Sans and had really connected with him. I knew I was going to miss him the most. The crimson skeleton handed me his jacket, draping it over my shoulders gently. His tooth shined in the now bright room. Why was he doing this? My soul wished to keep him here with us but I knew deep down that he didn't belong in this world, family and friends needed him back in his world. Tears began to fall onto the floor, a bony hand lifting my face up to meet his gaze. 

" It's gonna be cold out there. Take this kid. We will meet again one day. I promise ya " With this, Fell left the world and entered his own time. My tears soon dried up upon hearing the soft tweet of birds outside. Alphys and Undyne turned to me, awestruck by what they heard in the distance. Asgore came closer, placing his broken trident on the floor. 

" What do we do now Kyra? " There was no question about it now. We only had one road left to take, the road ahead. Things had been tough but it was all over now. A new life lay ahead. After seeing what lay at the end of the corridor we would return for Papyrus and the others. I sighed gently, walking into the distance. My disembodied hands glowing gently behind me. 

" We move ahead, to the surface " I smiled, continuing to walk forward to the new future the glow in the sphere around my neck finally fading. My powers were free, leaving it now only an ornament but I would still keep it close. Don't throw away memories right? 

Thank you all for reading :)


( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox )

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