Chapter 43

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I watched I'm amazement as a brightly dressed Sans with a baseball cap and YOLO glasses wheeled himself into the room, smirking all the while. The other Sans' in the room seemed to be cringing at the sight, obviously not liking this AU very much. I couldn't help bit smile, thinking the whole situation to be somewhat hilarious. The new Sans stopped in front of me, his feet now on the ground and the wheels in his heels now coming to a halt. I watched as glass covered sockets looked me up and down, his hands on his hips.

" Bringin' a human here is a sin bros " Sans came up slowly behind me and pulled me back slightly, knowing more about this version of himself then I obviously did.

" We are here on business Fresh. We need strong monsters for my universe " Fresh's face lightened up, almost bounding on the spot. He waved his arms in the air fanatically, his cap almost falling off.

" Let me come dudes! I can do stuff! " Fell shook his head and came forward, pointing a bony finger at Fresh in a warning manner.

" Nah. We don't need another Sans. We also don't need a friend of Error taggin' along " I stepped back slightly at the mention of Error's name, the memory of my friends being erased still fresh in my mind. I began to shake, almost on the verge of tears. Seeing this Sans took me into a hug, trying to calm me down before we progressed on.

" See what you did?! Idiot " Fresh seemed unfazed by Fell's comment and went on about his business, studying me closely. Tears flowed from my eyes and landing on Sans' soft blue jacket.

" Awe dudes I'm like so sorry " I moved away from Sans, wanting to face Fresh for the first time. I wiped my eyes of their tears, trying not to look weak. I took a deep breath, trying to pace my breathing and my beating heart and recalling what happened.

" Error killed two of my friends. I will never forgive him " Fresh smirked, somewhat happy by this and folded his arms. He took the glasses from his face. One socket was pure black and the other was surrounded by a purple flame and an upside down heart. I suddenly felt a warning click inside my mind. He seemed dangerous now, finally realizing what Sans had meant from the start.

" Error is Error, can't change a sinnin' person bro " Saying and doing nothing more Fresh stood on his heels and wheeled out of the room, leaving us alone once more.

" Never liked him, not a parasite makin' jerk " I agreed with Fell, not understanding all he said but knowing he wasn't any good anyway. We all turned, hearing faint footsteps and expecting to see Fresh again. Instead stood a goat monster with colourful streaks in its hair, an odd colored jacket over its purple dress.

" Greetings, I'm Toriel. Caretaker of the Party Ruins "

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. Underfresh belongs to the rightful owners)

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