Chapter 28

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Rapid footsteps approached behind us, before stopping suddenly and followed by a loud sigh.

" This cant be?" Fell had finally joined us and his reaction was just as distraught as ours. There was no chance we could survive here, we would be dead in days. I held the sphere in my hand, hoping and praying that there was something I could do. Maybe my powers? I shut my eyes tightly and tried to relax my rapidly beating heart. I felt a strong power overtake me and through my eyes I saw some sort of glow. Gaster appeared before me, sensing my desperation.

" Say the words. Truly unlock your power " I looked desperately into those hollowed cracked eyes. I began to stutter and shake.

" What words?" Gaster's smile disappeared and was replaced by a look of disappointment. Sorrow seemingly filling his eyes.

" I guess you are not ready my child. I will help this once but next time, your on your own " I nodded, fully understanding the words that were spoken to me. I opened my eyes to see Gaster stood in front of me, faintly like a ghost. He put a finger to his non existent lips, as to warn me that others couldn't see him.

Suddenly the world around us turned back and the code began to fly around us. The two short skeletons looked around, confused by what what had happened. I quickly turned around to silently thank Gaster but he had already gone. I looked down to the floor, stuck in my thoughts. I was brought back to reality by a soft tap on my shoulder.

" Ya ok doll?" I nodded slowly, not sure of what the next step was. Still confused by what Gaster had said. What words did I need to remember? At that moment I didn't have time to worry about that. First course of action was to find strong monsters. Sans stood and wiped the dust from his coat, sighing slightly and putting his hands in his pockets.

" We need someplace safe, a place we can relax and not worry about danger " I crossed my arms and watched Sans as he opened another portal, a bright light surrounding the room and blinding me with its glow.

" Where are we going now? " I spoke softly, still shaken by what had just happened and unable to find much strength to speak any louder. Sans smiled softly, his smiled seemed warmer then it had been previously, once again filling my heart with hope.

" Underswap " Like the other AU I wasn't familiar with with universe and a look of worry spread across my face. Obvious to the skeletons.

" Don't worry doll. This AU is real safe....maybe too safe " I chuckled as Fell's smile quickly turned into a scowl, sensing his distaste for the AU. We slowly made our way through the light, reading to enter yet another location. All the while my mind was rushing was information that I didn't understand, making me nervous about the future.

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox )

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