Chapter 107

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A/N : The picture above is of the Sans that appears closer to the end of the chapter. Not sure how many people are familiar with this AU/Story so the image is there for reference to you all :3 


There was only one thing left to sort out, the child that stood behind us. I could hear the black substance leaking from their face once again, hitting the floor gently as it did. We couldn't attack Error without figuring out how to get rid or at least stall the child somehow. Chara began to chuckle, looking directly at Sans. They tutted gently, looking at his now closed wound and now seeing only a stain. 

" I see, the smiley trash bag was healed huh? " Sans stood in front of me, his arms outspread before a wall of bones surrounded the group for protection, shining brightly in the darkness. I remembered seeing this technique once before and knowing how strong this sort of defense was. The bones began to rattle, causing the group to gather in the center , attacks from every direction kept us from moving out of the defense. Outnumbered and trapped, how pathetic.  I didn't shiver or shake, taking a deep breath as one of the disembodied hands covered one of my eyes, the purple glow covering my vision for a mere moment. What I saw shook me but also made me realize that other were looking out for us during our battle. Gaster stood behind Chara, closely examining them and looking for an opening to attack. I nodded to Gaster, seeing Chara throw yet another knife at us and leaving themselves open to attack. The ghostly skeleton grabbed the child under the arms, throwing them into the void before disappearing with them. I muttered a silent thanks to the scientist, seeing his vanish with someone so dangerous. The bones finally subsided, us all turning to meet Error's gaze of unamusement, Fell laughing at the sight before him. 

" It's just you and us now, you sorry excuse for a coded mess " Error did nothing but chuckle, lifting his cables higher and lifting the dolls away for a mere moment. His smile widened, something lowering behind him slowly, eventually reaching the floor. Before us stood a Sans, taller then the rest. He had multicolored wings and a skeletal tail, seven different souls adorning his body in many places. Like the others, he looked dead inside with the soul shining just below his ribcage being the only resemblance of anything remotely human like. This was indeed a monster, not a monster with human qualities. He towered before us, his blasters edging closer with every second. Error chuckled at our fear, knowing that no matter how well prepared we were, one blast would surely end it all. 

" MAAAaaY HaVe RoundeEEd up poWerFul boings buT I controLLLLLlllE ALL, EveN GodDs " 

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. The Thought AU belongs to tratserenoyreve and so does the art used in this chapter ) 

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