Chapter 81

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The sound of violent glitching filled the air, Error standing proudly among us all. His yellow smile glistened in the dim light, turning to Swap Papyrus and chuckling softly and tucking his hands into his jacket pockets. 

" SseeeMS ThaT YouR BACk swAp " Swap laughed lightly, re lighting his cigarette, seemingly not caring about the danger any of us were in. However, I felt entirely different, having come across Error more then once. I wasn't as brave. My soul shook with fear, the disembodied hands trying hard not to react to what I felt. I watched as Papyrus came over to me slowly, hiding behind a nearby tree for protection. He was obviously frightened by all this and in all honestly I didn't blame him. I was scared, having encountered Error before but for Papyrus it was completely different. In only one day he had found out that there were other versions of himself, that his older brother had lied to him and that a destroyer of worlds existed and was hell bent on destroying us. I gingerly made my way over to the tall skeleton, seeing orange tears stream down his skeletal face. In this moment something awoke in me, the sphere around my neck shining brightly. I felt a strong urge to protect and care for those around me, no matter how strong or weak they seemed to be. I finally understood what Sans felt that day when I was a child. Despite what I felt I wasn't willing to fight, knowing that the right time would come for such things. I turned to Error, his facial features glitching and his blue strings flowing from his bony fingertips. 

" Error, now is not the time for this. You know that. Why don't you leave things be until the time comes? " Error chuckled, throwing Chara over his black jacket shoulder roughly. He slowly turned away from us but even with his back turned I could sense the smugness purely in his voice alone. 

" YoUR RiGGGGggHt. IttTTTS Too SoON. SeE Ya " Saying nothing more Error and Chara faded away into a mass of glitches and code, leaving us all stood in Waterfall in silence. The only voice I could hear was of Papyrus' faint sobs behind me. Such a noise pulled at my heart strings and caused my own tears to flow, Swap coming over to me and patting my back before passing me to comfort his counterpart. 

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. Glitchtale and Underswap belong to the rightful owners ) 

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