Chapter 67

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I edged ever closer to the bright light, the warming heat was comforting and kind. It felt like a hug that was long overdue, wrapping me in a warm embrace. The code began to fade, a world appearing around us. It was familiar to me and as I stood among the tall trees and snow, I sighed happily. It felt good to be back. I looked around to the others for their reactions. Sans seemed as happy as I was to be back home, Fell didn't seem to care and Undyne and Toriel were either confused or disgusted. Their brows were raised, having maybe expected something more then what they were used to. I turn and look deep into the darkness of the forest, having heard heavy footsteps in the snow. I see a red boot emerge from the blackness, the boots attached to the tall, spaghetti loving skeleton I had come to know. I watched as Sans made his way over to Papyrus, wrapping him in a tight hug, tears staining the once white snow blue. 

" I missed ya bro " Papyrus only smiled and wiped the tears from his brother's eyes, his scarf dancing in the wind. The sight of the two warmed my heart, not even the cold air could freeze it. It was such a touching scene but it would seem that not everyone thought so. I watched from the corner of my eye as the rest of the party began to grimace and raise their brows once more. Not everyone was used to the kindness of our world. For some it was understandable, such as Fell and Undyne. They had come from worlds were kindness was considered weak and idiotic. I wasn't sure about Toriel though, having not ventured past the Ruins I didn't know what her world was like. Papyrus turned to me and held his arms out, welcoming me home and smiling brightly. 

" Welcome home Kyra " I smiled and made my way over, gently holding onto the tall skeleton. In that moment nothing else seemed to matter. If only things could stay like this forever. Kindness and peace. I frowned, making sure the skelebros didn't see me. Deep down I knew a battle was coming and that soon the world may be split in two from what was about to happen. It wasn't going to be like this forever and that saddened me deeply. I was snapped from my thoughts by Papyrus' high pitched voice. 

" Human, you seem sad " I wiped the small tears from my eyes and looked at both of the skeletons and then to the rest of our party. 

" Just glad to be back " 

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox ) 

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