Chapter 99

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A/N: Back to Kyra's POV 


I didn't really like leaving Fell to fight on his own, even though I knew very well that he could hold his own. I didn't like to admit it but besides Sans he was our strongest asset, doing nothing but fight in his own timeline made him perfect for our up and coming battle. I had to keep running forward though, not having time to worry about what was going on behind us. Multiple rapid footsteps resonate around the core, filling the once silent and serene rooms. The core was like a maze, stopping for just a moment to contemplate which way to go next. I look around worried, seeing many different paths for us to take. After standing in near silence for a few moments I feel a scaly hand on my shoulder. Alphys pulls me down to her height, a somewhat out of place look of determination on her face. 

" We take a left here Kyra. L..let me lead the way " I nod, knowing that it was probably best. I didn't know the underground as well as the lizard monster did, making it harder for us to make our way to the barrier. We begin to run once again, having all caught our breaths. I just kept focused on the end goal, not loosing focus on what we still had to do. We run through many hallways, their identical look almost sending my brain into a spin. I felt like we were running in circles, not making any progress. I trusted Alphys' guidance but when every hall looks the same you do feel the need to question their information. This was what I thought until we finally stopped once more. A lift stood before us, metallic just like its surroundings. I panted, catching my breath once more and watched as Undyne stands forward and begins pressing buttons for the lift. 

" Should be coming down now. This will take us to just before the hall leading to the throne room " I nodded, recalling someone mentioning the king to me only once before. Asgore. I now began to wonder what kind of monster he was. Nobody talked about him much. Was he cruel or kind? Would he want to harm me or help me? I wasn't entirely sure. I could only wait and see. My nerves began to flare up, sensing the arrival of the lift. I stood inside and ascended to the throne room. Here we go, the final stretch. 

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox ) 

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