Chapter 18

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I wasn't entirely sure if I had anything to wrap up in the underground but I knew I had at least one goodbye to make. I walked into the skelebro's house, looking quickly for Papyrus. I was told Papyrus wouldn't be seeing us off tomorrow, he wasn't aloud to know what we were up to. Sans told me that his brother would worry and forbid us from leaving. This made me understand why Papyrus had been kept in the dark about all this. He wouldn't understand, i wouldn't want him to worry. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

The taller skeleton walked casually into the front room, for once without a plate of his famous spaghetti. Papyrus folded his boney arms and shot me a look of concern.

" Are you ok human? You look pale " I hadn't realised that the color had flushed from my cheeks. Putting a hand over my face I felt that my cheeks were as cold as ice, not knowing weather the cold climate of Snowdin caused it or my apparent sudden illness that Papyrus spotted.

" I came to say goodbye Papyrus " The tall skelebro narrowed his brow and came down to my level to look me directly in the eyes. It felt like his gaze was piercing even my soul.

" Are you leaving human?" I tried to quickly make up a lie to replace the actual reason I was leaving. However, Papyrus was now so het up that he wasn't able to stop asking questions.

" Where are you going? Are you going home? Do you want food to take? Let me make you some spaghetti" Papyrus turned to leave and I gently grabbed Papyrus' red cape to stop him from wandering away. I smiled at him, warmly, like a friend would. I wanted to reassure him that everything was going to be ok. Taking his hands I brought him once again down to my level, his boney knees tapping gently on the wood floor.

" I'm not going away forever. Your brother and I are going to take up a lead on Gaster. Someone in the underground knows something and we need to find them " Papyrus smiled back at me, the tears in his eyes now beginning to dry up. Seeing a skeleton cry was a surreal experience, something I never thought I would see. I thought of Papyrus like a younger brother. I understood as much as Sans that he needed his innocence protecting.

We both stood to our feet and Papyrus handed me something, his hand closed inside mine until he let the item go. In the palm of my hand was a small blue bone. I looked to Papyrus as a look of confusion spread across my features.

" Its one of my special attack bones. Its only small but it will protect you " I chuckled at the gift that was given and closed my hand around it to protect it, being able to tell that it was going to be something special to me.

The rest of the day passed without a problem. We ate one last meal with Papyrus, who insisted we take some spaghetti for the road. I couldn't sleep though. My head was racing and it still was as Sans and I stood in front of that machine. We bathed in its blue glow and took a deep breathe as the door opened to reveal a black void of letters and numbers.

" The code " Sans muttered under his breath. I took another deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. We both walked into the machine and passed hundreds of codes. They surrounded us until we came to another blue light. We approached it slowly.

" Where are we going first?"

" Underfell kid. Stay close "

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox )

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