Chapter 51

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It had seemed like hours since the two skeletons had entered that room. Things weren't too good with me and Fell either. Since telling me his past Fell had become strangely quiet, it made the atmosphere quite tense. So tense in fact that not even Toriel handing out pie could lighten it. I gently tapped the fork on my plate, attempting to add some sort of noise to the room to try and ease the tension that I'm sure we all could feel. Nothing. I decided that the time for moping was over, something inside me sensing that Sans was not faring well. Seeing his fragile state back in Underswap made me pay attention to his actions more, wanting to help and protect him like he had for me. I was about to walk around the corner to the corridor when I was stopped, a bony hand grabbing mine. The grip was tight, trying to hold me back. 

" Hey, whatcha doin'?" I sighed softly, not wanting to tell Fell what I was planning to do. I knew deep down that if Fell knew what I was planning then he would hold me back and then insist that he was right. Managing to pull my hand away I decided it be best to lie, just this once. I had to know that Sans was ok. 

" I'm going to use the bathroom " A light blush covered Fell's bony cheeks, it seemed to spread till his entire face was as red as his one eye. He began to stutter, feeling somewhat embarrassed by the whole situation and holding his hand out, pointing down the corridor. He hid his face from me, which made me smile gently. 

" D..down there doll " Without hesitation I made my way down the corridor, standing outside the room Sans was in. I knew I shouldn't interfere but I couldn't help it. There was so much about the skeleton I still didn't know, making me wonder what secrets he had. Grabbing the door handle I opened the door gently, peering inside. I saw Sans sat on the bed, void of emotion. I wasn't sure what Gaster had said, seeing him not around and making it impossible to ask. I felt sadness weigh heavy on my heart as I watched the skeleton sit in silence, before breaking out into a fit of tears. At this point I couldn't take no more, opening the door fully so Sans could see me there. He did nothing but look up at me, sorrow in his eyes and a blue heart lit up on his chest. It was visible through his coat. I took a step forward, sitting on the bed with Sans and placing a hand over the heart, thinking it could calm him down. It had a faint pulse but it wasn't a real heart. I had no idea what it meant but I chalked it up to being distress or extreme sadness. None the less it pulsated still, a steady rate. I felt Sans put a bony hand upon mine, finally making some sort of movement and recognition to me presence. Our gazes met, Sans sighed, taking a deep breath. 

" Chara, they are back kid and they are workin' with Error " 

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. Underfresh belongs to the rightful owners. )

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