Chapter 10

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Time flew by as we all watched anime with Alphys and Undyne. Sans and Papyrus had returned and handed out the frozen treats, followed by Sans telling a bad pun involving him not being able to stomach ice cream. It was soon evening and everyone was asleep apart from Sans and myself. Papyrus was asleep on my shoulder and Alphys and Undyne were asleep next to each other. Sans sighed as the DVD credits began to roll.

" Peaceful huh?" I nodded in response, not wanting me talking to wake Papyrus.

" So kiddo..." I looked to Sans and was surprised to see the serious expression on his face, I raised my eyebrow in wonder.

" Know someone called Gaster? " I thought hard for a moment, not recognizing the name.

" It doesn't ring a bell " I watched as Sans seemed to become irritated.

" How could you not know? You speak wing ding. Its not something many can do. Only he was able to " I thought hard again, finding it impossible to give Sans an answer. I looked ashamed that I couldn't respond, knowing it made me look suspicious. So I decided to answer, giving an honest answer.

" I honestly don't know Sans. It felt like some repressed memory that caused me to speak that way. I don't know from where or when, I want to find out" Sans' eye sockets widened a little.

" Really kid? Could be dangerous" I felt myself becoming filled with a strong feeling, determination. To find out who I really was.

" I'm sure "

" Your funeral buddy " The skeleton chuckled and gently patted my shoulder. Standing from the sofa Sans clicked his bones back into place by stretching and this noise caused Papyrus to wake up.

" Sorry I feel asleep brother "

" No problem bro, must have been tired..." Sans looked behind himself to Papyrus and give an even wider smile.

" Don't you even dare " Papyrus seemed to be warning his brother.

" Bone tired" Sans winked and Papyrus began to gently bang his head on the table. I chuckled quietly, unable to dismiss how funny the pun was and the reaction that followed.

Undyne and Alphys yawned, almost in unison. Undyne took her arm from around Alphys, causing her to frown.

" What time is it?" Undyne asked as she herself stretched.

" Its seven. Time sure flew by " I said, eyeing up the clock and watching the hands move around slowly.

" Bro its time we headed home. I'm so hungry that soon we will have to call the HAMbulance unless I get some food " We all said our goodbyes and began to head once again for the large doors. I began to reach for the handle but was stopped when I heard voices behind me.

" We should watch anime again sometime nerd " I smiled and nodded, now seeing how comfortable Undyne was with me. I felt much more at ease. I tugged the doors open and exited the lab with the skelebros, waving to the two inside as the doors shut slowly.

One the way back through waterfall I felt that Sans was watching me, trying to decode me. I stopped walking and this made my friends look back to see me stood in the dark, sparking tears falling from my eyes.

" Go ahead and warm up the house Sans " Papyrus gestured to the way home.

" Bro the heat goes right through us  " Sans chuckled and looked to me for a reaction. However, this time I wasn't smiling.

Sans began to walk ahead.

" See ya at home then "

Papyrus came down to my level. I looked up to meet his eye sockets. My eyes were red and puffy from the crying.

" Human...why are your eyes leaking?" His naivety made me smile slightly.

" I don't understand this business with this Gaster guy. What connection do I have to him?" Papyrus patted my shoulder gently, my breathing becoming steadier.

" Human things will be ok. Your kind. I trust you Hu....Kyra"

We began to walk back home slowly, Papyrus trying to make me laugh. However, I knew that the answers I seeked were fast approaching and this was enough to distract me from my surroundings.

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox )

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