Chapter 70

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Swirls of color began to flow from the portal, swimming around the room as graceful as a swan and almost as majestic. I was frozen to the spot, frozen by astonishment at the sight that lay before me. Fell, as always, was scowling and trying to swat the colors as far away from him as possible, Undyne doing the same. Toriel seemed to want to mess with the colors, taking them in her paws and watching them vanish into the air. A small chuckle escaped me, a warm feeling coming over me suddenly. Sans looked to me, a kind smile staring back at me.

" That's the effect Ink has kid. He's a kind soul, much like you " I smiled at the compliment and watch, intrigued, as the colors began to take on a human like form. A paintbrush appeared, followed by brown clothes. My nerves began to flare up, nervous to meet this mysterious entity. Knowing what power he had made my hands fumble and twitch, one wrong word and something bad may happen. Sans noticed my look of concern and gently and conformingly laid his bony hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm my nerves.

" Kid, I said that Ink is a kind soul. He wouldn't hurt a Temmie " I nodded slowly and looked directly at the wooden floor, not fully understanding what a Temmie was. The name alone sounded obnoxious but also kind of sweet and innocent. The room began to shake, causing me to finally look up and around at my surroundings. Papyrus bounded into the room, falling into a pile on the floor with his hands on his head in protection. I could sense the fear emanating from Papyrus and decided that I couldn't leave him alone. I stood to my feet, stumbling as I walked. Undyne called out to me, concern wrecking her voice in genuine fear.

" Human, sit down! " I shook my head, quickly tripping over. The room began to halt but I didn't fall. Someone or something caught me. I felt bony hands on my back, digging into my skin. A Sans like skeleton had caught me mid fall, smiling brightly at me.

" Hello, I'm Ink. Nice to meet you "

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. Inktale belongs to the rightful owners )

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