Chapter 87

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Laughter, happiness, relief. These are the feelings that we all felt as the hours past and the night finally fell. All memory of Chara's confrontation was lost to me in this time, the sound of laughter drowning out their speech and the happiness lifting the heavy burden that lay on my heart. Sans didn't need to know, not yet. For now we just needed to put it all behind us, neither Swap Papyrus or the Classic version saying a word. They kept their skulls closed and the information held tight. My heart beated steadily, watching as the others laughed, condiment bottles clinking together in unison. I smiled warmly, Undyne staring deeply into my eyes before taking a seat next to me and sighing.

" I just don't get the festivities. Why is everyone so happy? " I gently touched Undyne's shoulder, letting her know that I was of no threat to her. I still didn't understand her fully and I didn't want to anger her, that and I value my life. I chuckled nervously, patting the blood stained lab coat. Undyne's golden eyes pierced me over the glass that lay on her face, my reflection staring back at me as I looked at her. A mischievous look lay in her eyes. It sent my soul into a fit of shivers at the sight.

" They are happy because they can be. You should try it sometime " I cursed myself, unable to believe what words had just passed my lips. Why did I talk back to her like that? I cant say, some sort of urge told me that she had to hear the truth, the truth about how unhappy she was in her world. She wasn't there now and she should make the best of it. That was the convulsion that I came to. That didn't stop my hands shaking though, Undyne's gloved hands making their way over to me slowly. I closed my eyes slowly, waiting for the killing blow from the deranged fish. Nothing. Instead my hands were held tightly, rubber caressing my bare skin and causing them to twitch from the feel.

" Your right, teach me human? " I nodded, smiling. I knew that she was finally coming around. It made my heart flutter with happiness. If someone from Swapfell could change for the better good, then couldn't anyone?

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. Swapfell belongs to the rightful owners )

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