Chapter four: Part two

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Warning: Long chapter ahead. Good luck ^_^

The walk to Grillby's was a pleasant one. Snowdin seemed to be very relaxed and laid back. So relaxed in fact it was like nobody lived there. Despite this I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable though as a few of the locals began to give me odd looks, like they were scared or disgusted of me. The looks immediately stopped after spotting Sans walking beside me. It would seem that the locals were weary of Sans, frightened maybe, and this caused me to wonder what his reputation was down here. Not a word was spoken between the skeleton and I. The atmosphere was calming overall but there was a sudden tension every now and then when we caught people glancing at us. I continued to walk until my collar of my shirt was grabbed gently, causing me to stop in my tracks.

" Here we are Kyra. Welcome to Grillby's. I'm sure you will have a scorching time with no heated conversation " Sans seemed to chuckle at his wording but I paid it no mind. Sans opened the door to the bar with a creak. The inside of the bar was old fashioned and simple, with a jukebox and bar stools.

Everyone greeted Sans as we entered the building, signalling that he mist frequent there often. We sat and were greeted by a bartender made of fire with a pair of glasses on his non existent face.

" A fries , burg and a bottle of ketchup please Grillb " Grillby walked away to cook our food and the silence emerged again. Not sure of what to say I just kept quiet and looked around.

" You ok buddy? Ya seem tense " I nodded soon realising that Sans called me buddy, this was enough to bring a smile to my face. It was nice to know I wasn't completely alone in the underground. Our food finally arrived.

" Bone appetite kid " We began to tuck into our food. After a while I noticed other monsters looking at me, like fire burning into the back of my head. I stopped eating and looked down, not making eye contact with anyone.

" Listen kid. Monsters aren't used to seeing someone of your kind. Its all new to everyone. They are afraid of you " Sans closed his eye sockets and sighed.

" Some things happened down here. Not everyone remembers but I sure as hell do " I hadn't known Sans for long but the situation must have been dire by how quiet he was being.

" Be warned buddy....if you kill any residents..." Sans looked to me, his eyes now pure black.

" You will be dead where you stand " I moved away slightly, not expecting the sudden threat. The skeletons eyes turned back to normal and he put his boney hands over my now shaking ones.

" Didn't mean to scare ya kid, I know your harmless. Its just a little warning " My hands were released.

" Its ok Sans " I sighed, now beginning to relax again.

" I understand, I wont harm anyone. I promise " Sans looked outside to see the darkness somehow becoming even darker.

" Its getting late, must be off " Sans downed the remaining ketchup in the bottle before walking towards to door before he shouted back to Grillby.

" Put it on my tab " Sans said before walking out. I followed shortly after thanking the bartender and was able to catch up to my friend. From the corner of my eye I saw a dark man, covered in glitches. I thought I was seeing things so i looked away for a moment then looked back. The man had gone but I noticed a long black coat on the floor that wasn't there before. I got an unsettling feeling and it lingered until I entered the safety of Sans' home.

( Undertale belongs to Toby Fox ) 

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