Chapter 12

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  As the Magi crew followed Sora and Erza to the shack, the door slammed into Sora, who stumbled.


As she fell, Muu caught her. "Are you okay?!" 

In his arms, she held her face. "What does it look like?!" However, as Sora searched for the person responsible, she found it to be Natsu who was panicking.

"Sora?!" Natsu panicked when his little sister wasn't present. Searching, he saw her on the ground glaring at him. Backing away, he nervously laughed. "N-now, Sora, y-you know that was on accident. I-I didn't mean to." His back hit the shack's wall.

Getting up, Sora slowly walked towards him. "Natsu! You better prepare yourself!" 

  As the Magi crew watched this, they were worried for Natsu. As Aladdin and Alibaba tried to walk over, Erza held her arm out towards them. 

"I wouldn't advise going over there, now."

"But he's in trouble!" Alibaba said.

"Yeah. Who knows what Sora will do." Aladdin said.

"He'll be fine...I think...Sora won't kill him, just teach him a lesson."


"Just watch. It's best if you stay over here."

  Hesitantly, they sighed and nodded. Looking back at the scene, they saw Sora chasing after Natsu.

"Come here!"

Yelling like a girl, he yelled, "N-no! You'll have ta catch me first before I die!"

  While she chased after him, the Magi crew sweat dropped.

"Are they always like this?" Alibaba said.

"Pretty much."

After Sora finally managed to catch him, she did this put him in a choke hold. "Now, are ya gonna stop panickin' so I don't have ta be hit by a door?"

"Y-yes..." He couldn't breathe. He waved his arms in the air, gasping for oxygen. "I...promise!"

"Oh really...That still doesn't help the fact that you almost broke my face!" 

As Sora kept arguing, Erza had had enough. Walking up to them, she smiled. "Alright. How about we stop this nonsense and go to bed." 

"Shut up!" Sora punched her in the face without meaning to, making her slowly fall to the ground backwards.

"This doesn't seem too good..." Muu said.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Aladdin said.

  Blinking, Sora and Natsu widened their eyes as they momentarily stopped their actions. Ducking out, Natsu backed up close to safety. Confused, Sin asked him what was wrong.

"Let's just say, Sora made a terrible move."

Sora started to sweat, backing up to the wall as Erza walked to her slowly. "E-Erza, you know I-I didn't meant to punch you, right?"

"Oh really~?"


  Before they knew it, Erza hit Sora on the head, making her fall to the ground unconscious. 


Smirking, Erza started walking into the shack. "There. I hope you'll learn from this, Sora." Sora merely twitched. Opening the door, Erza looked towards Natsu and the Magi crew. "Well, I think now would be a good time to rest up for the next day. Natsu, we still have training tomorrow. Get Sora inside, if you would please." Closing the door, she left them outside.

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