Chapter 26

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Running out of the infirmary, Natsu came to a sudden stop, sniffing the air for any leads to Carla or Wendy. Upon getting a good lead, he dashed towards where it was leading him. 
When he came outside, he saw four guards running away with Wendy, Por, and Carla in their arms, sleeping. "There they are!" Running towards them, he shouted, "Where do you think you're taking Wendy and Carla?!" Hence, they ran faster. However, Natsu started gaining momentum. "Hold it right there!"

"H-he's really fast!" one said

"Isn't he the one who wobbled slowly through the last race?!" another said

However, one of the guards stopped, took out his guns, preparing to fight. "This is the best way to handle a wizard..." Thus, he let his buddies find a way to escape. Before he could finish saying 'freeze', Natsu ran forwards, and brought him down. 

"Outta my way!" Running faster, he left the guard behind him as he fell to the ground. "You jerks! Give me back my friends!"

"What's with this guy?!"

"He's really scary, that jerk!"

"He's about to catch up with us!" Bringing Carla in the air, the guard panicked. "What'll we do?!"

"We got no choice; let's dump the other two!"

"D-don't talk, stupid!"

"the order was to grab the girl who was in the team infirmary!" Thus, caused Natsu to listen in. "Grannies and cats aren't girls!"

While turning towards his friend, one guard deadpanned. "Then why bring 'em with us in the first place?!"

"Hey, wait! The granny's still a girl!"

"She's not a girl, she's ancient!"

However, before they could react, they saw Sora, in her dragon form, flying. Smirking, she flew downwards, and stood in their way. "Didn't your mom ever teach ya to respect your elders?" Before they could get a word in, she threw fire towards them. 

Reacting fast, two of them dodged while their friend got hit with the fire, dropping, the one who was rude towards elders, Wendy in the process. Screaming out with pain, he tried to extinguish the fire. "Get this off of me, you idiots!"

  Walking towards them, they only looked up to catch a glance of her murderous stare. Backing away, they looked behind to try to escape only to see Natsu doing the same. 

"U-uh guys, what do we do now?"

"...Run!" As they tried to get away, Natsu ran forwards, causing them to turn back only to be closed in.

"Now, either you guys answer our question, or we burn you to ashes. Which will it be?!" Sora said.

"W-we'll answer your questions!" While one said this nervously, the others nodded quickly.

"Good." Turning towards Natsu, she gave him the go to ask.

"Who do you work for?!"

  Meanwhile, Elfman was on the ground, trying to catch his breath, while Bacchus stood up, smirking.

"This battle is completely one-sided! Elfman can't lay a finger on Bacchus!" Chapati announced.

"It'll be a dream night with two gorgeous sisters! I like it!" Bacchus said.

  With Magi, aside from Sin, Bacchus reminded them of someone.

"You know, he's kinda like Sinbad..." Alibaba said.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"  Hence, they ignored him as they started to say their own opinions. "You do know I'm right here, right?" Sighing, Sin pouted. Looking towards Morg, he asked if she agreed with them.

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