Chapter 2

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"Oh my word what happened to you?" asked my best friend Alana.

"Tyler's what happened. The jerk left me at my house after we argued and instead of just fixing it then and there the jerk drove off. Just because I wanted Caleb to ride with us." I said as I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.

"Good morning minions. What croakings of doom have ye for me today?" my English teacher Mr. Brenner asked.

"Of course, by minions I mean students and by croakings of doom I mean complaints and excuses about the homework assignment," he continued.

Mr. Brenner was a really cool teacher he always found ways to make English class more enticing than it really is. Its not that I hate English its just that sometimes I don't understand things and when I don't understand them I get mad and I kind of shut down.

I zoned out after he checked the homework. I started thinking about Caleb and Tyler and how I wanted to fix things with him. And how I want to hurt the kid who is messing with my brother.


The bell startled me when it rang, I guess I was just so lost in thought I didn't even realize class was over. I copied down the homework assignment and headed for the door. When suddenly I heard "Lizzie would you stay after class a moment please." My heart began to race because Mr. Bryant sounded a little upset. But I braced myself and walked over to where he was, sitting at his desk.

"Y-yes, Mr. Brenner," I stuttered.

He looked up and with wide eyes and exclaimed "Lizzie you're as white as a sheet. Don't worry you're not in trouble I just wanted to know if you wanted to know your average for the semester," he said before continuing, "I did only a hand full of students last night but I know that none of them are as eager to see their averages like you so..." he trailed off before lifting up my folder to reveal my grade. To my surprise it was an A, an A- but an A nonetheless.

"Mr. Brenner you have no idea how happy I am. I thought I was going to get a C at most. Man, I had a really bad morning but this really brightened things up for me," I told him as I smiled.

"Well those retakes and tutoring sessions with James really helped you. I'm happy for you." he said and I knew he meant it. He really took and interest in his students.

As I walked down the hall to my locker my happiness was soon darkened as my eyes fell on Tyler walking towards me. I panicked a little partly because I was still mad and partly because I wanted so desperately to make up but didn't know how to say it.

Finally, I arrived at my locker and as I opened it he leaned on the one next to it and stared at me not saying anything just staring at me. It was making me kind of nervous and I tried not to take peeks at him through the corner of my eye but it was too tempting I was too curious to find out why he was just there.

"I see you peeking," he said in his cutesy mocking voice that he use to try to make me smile when we were arguing.

"Look baby I'm sorry I was a jerk this morning. I should have just let your brother ride with us. I really am sorry. Forgive me? Please I can't deal with you not talking to me. You know I can deal with anything except the silent treatment. Pleeeease," by this time he is blocking me from leaving. Pinning me against the lockers. Every time I try to duck out her grabs my waist and puts me back in my previous spot. "You're not leaving 'til you forgive me."

"You made me walk to school. From my brother's school it's like twenty minutes in the other direction from our school. And don't try to make excuses like 'oh I didn't know you were going on the bus with him' because you heard me loud an-" he cut me off with a kiss.

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