Chapter 45

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I changed Maria's daughter's name from Daisy to Stephanie.

And that's a picture of what she looks like.

Sherlyn Gonzalez as Stephanie Juarez


Lizzie's POV

I quickly got started putting things together.

The major barrier was communication. Stephanie didn't have a phone of her own so she couldn't talk any time she wanted.

So the first investment was a phone. I set it up and sent it to her. In a matter of days we were discussing the party. I took Spanish in school and surprisingly it came easily.

She decided on a blush pink color mixed with gold, which I have to admit was cute. She wanted a crap ton of accessories so I obliged and got her necklaces and bracelets and rings. Oh how that girl loves her rings. She has so many I was kind of jealous. But I got her rings as well. She wanted a crown and two dresses and I got everything she wanted.

I told her to make a list of everything she wanted with pictures. So I don't show up with something completely wrong.

Days went by and I was bending over backwards combing the internet for everything she wanted. And Maria would not stop thanking me for everything.

I have to admit there are times when I can't find something and get desperate and I'm like "why am I doing this again?" and I remember Maria telling me about how amazing she is and all the responsibilities she takes on and how she is the main caretaker of her elderly grandparents. And I also remember my conversations with her and how humble and kind she is then I'm like "oh yeah that's why" and all the things that Maria has done for me as well.

So I suck it up and continue looking until finally I find what I was looking for.

So after about a month and a half of looking, buying, and boxing I finally have everything I need to make my trip down to Mexico.

"So... you ready?" I hear Madison say at the entrance of my room.

"Just about. I have my bags packed, Angelo texted me saying he loaded the first set of boxes onto your plane and that he's coming back for the re-" he cut me off and I stop looking around the room, for things that I may be missing, to now look at him.

"That's another thing why did you choose to fly commercial when you could have easily gone with me on my plane," he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I like the experience. It's rather exciting," I smile at him.

He smiles too and hangs his head slightly.

"Are you ready?" I asked him now.

He nods, "But I really don't understand why I have to go," he sort of whines and I can't help but chuckle at his childishness.

"Because Stephanie wants to meet the man that has made one of the most important days of her life, happen," I told him leading him to my bed to take my stuff downstairs.

"Now. I'm off to the airport with Kathy, Caleb, and Maria, you make sure that all this goes on your plane with you. We should leave roughly the same time so we should get there the same time, again... roughly," I said to him and he looked at a little flustered with all the boxes in the foyer, but nodded his head.

"Everything is packed in those boxes, so if you forget something we're screwed," I warned. He nodded his head and I went out to get in the car that was waiting for me.

Maria, Kathy, and Caleb were already there. We weren't crammed because all the luggage and stuff were going with Madison on his plane so we were luggage free and therefore hassle free.

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